A short time ago I pulled the car out of the garage for a run and noticed a tiny stain under it, which I haven't really ever seen before. It kept up, real occasional like, so today I got out the degreaser and decided to try and track it down. Once I got all the grime off I could tell it was a coolant leak. It's showing up at the bottom of the timing cover. I can't see where it's coming from, but I don't see anything at the intake so I suspect the water pump is going. Anybody have a picture of the location of the weep hole so I know where I should be looking? I'm still learning as I go.
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k180/downinit25i/305 coolant leak/IMG_5912.jpg
The pump hasn't been changed in at least a few years, and I can't for the life of me find any hoses showing a problem. Of course it's hard to see anything in that area what with all the junk around it.
Please help, the Texas heat will be here soon.
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k180/downinit25i/305 coolant leak/IMG_5912.jpg
The pump hasn't been changed in at least a few years, and I can't for the life of me find any hoses showing a problem. Of course it's hard to see anything in that area what with all the junk around it.
Please help, the Texas heat will be here soon.