Well I was out on my way to the casino today to use my Comp money i got for some stupid crap I never did at the casino, sucks to be them to give me free money, I ended up filling my tank with the extra money I walked out with. Anyway on the way there me and my buddy were doing some talking because he has no radio. He was tryin to talk me into getting rid of my 86 monte luxury sport. Well heres the thing
In the next 3 years I start going to Eastern Michigan Univ, ill have a bachelors in History and might be able to get a low ranking assistant job in one of the museums or related feild in detroit area. Well I say all this because out of the 20K loan ill be getting ill have 8,000 extra for books, transp. gas expenses and what not and traveling if I want to. Now some might call me crazy but I might want to do some restoring to my car. Ive got some questions so pace your self!!!
1st as ive talked about before I will need floor pans one day, I cleaned mine up the best I could with sandpaper, grinder, etc, I didnt use naval jelly to kill 100% of the pits etc but it was 95% taken care of. Towards the drivers seat we go, and theres a half dollar size hole I just temp. fixed with a plate of steel and rivets, im plan on riveting the other side too. Now above the rocker panel area floor board that area is almost non existent, its as if the rocker is the floor lol. Thats where the salt gets ya I guess. Now that I painted the hell out of it its almost non existent, someone on here said find why it rusted, well it was the cauking that went, I replaced all of that. But anyway even the transmission tunnel is showing signs of rust. Now I know it will be roughly $1100 just to replace my floors one day
2ndly addeed to above will this include the price of half of a new transmission tunnel fabbed peice you guys think, I know the body shop told me 1100 for the floor boards.
2ndly I am spending $300 this Sept. out of school loans to fix 3 spots of rust holes at the body shop. After which even If I dont paint the whole car I do plan on painting all tiny surface rust spots on doors and adjacent areas to them. Ill have no rust but in the inside as I already stated.
3rd, I told ya guys about a line of rust that extends right along a weld by the back seat. above the rear axel, is this expensive to fix, im sure that would be custom work at the body shop. Oh and not only that I will need new wheel wells as well one day, When I painted the interior of the car the paint was seeping out of the wheel wells down underneath the car I dont know if thats normal or not. and I do have some crunchy spots anyway on the car.
Ok lastly, I dont really care about gas mileage, I was plannin on putting a 350 engine in hoping to get around 350 horses and get the usual 12 miles to a gallon most likely when I go to eastern. Well that right there will cost me some big bucks, let alone the fact my Th200 POS will not hold up because I dont have a good transmission. Now it comes down to this, if youve read so far thanks
I do like the 70-72 and 78-79 models a bit better, obviously the first ones are out of my price range, the 78s and 79s are also rarer. But for what im doing the rust fixing, swapping out an engine and transmission, fixing I figure will cost me a lot. I figure new wheel wells $1000, new floor boards $1100, new transmission tunnel, and other custom work $750 prolly, and engine $1000. That is thats close to $4,000 dollars. So I dont know. Ive seen some pretty nice monte carlols in the $4,000 range and all. I like my Luxury Sport its rare and all but geez is it a bad idea to really restore this car, fixing floor boards or should I sell it the Saginaw MI black people for $2250 or so and go south looking for something completely rust free in which we all know exists anyway? Take your time reading this please, Im sick of writing half assed questions to you guys, this is the real deal. Thank You 😀
In the next 3 years I start going to Eastern Michigan Univ, ill have a bachelors in History and might be able to get a low ranking assistant job in one of the museums or related feild in detroit area. Well I say all this because out of the 20K loan ill be getting ill have 8,000 extra for books, transp. gas expenses and what not and traveling if I want to. Now some might call me crazy but I might want to do some restoring to my car. Ive got some questions so pace your self!!!
1st as ive talked about before I will need floor pans one day, I cleaned mine up the best I could with sandpaper, grinder, etc, I didnt use naval jelly to kill 100% of the pits etc but it was 95% taken care of. Towards the drivers seat we go, and theres a half dollar size hole I just temp. fixed with a plate of steel and rivets, im plan on riveting the other side too. Now above the rocker panel area floor board that area is almost non existent, its as if the rocker is the floor lol. Thats where the salt gets ya I guess. Now that I painted the hell out of it its almost non existent, someone on here said find why it rusted, well it was the cauking that went, I replaced all of that. But anyway even the transmission tunnel is showing signs of rust. Now I know it will be roughly $1100 just to replace my floors one day
2ndly addeed to above will this include the price of half of a new transmission tunnel fabbed peice you guys think, I know the body shop told me 1100 for the floor boards.
2ndly I am spending $300 this Sept. out of school loans to fix 3 spots of rust holes at the body shop. After which even If I dont paint the whole car I do plan on painting all tiny surface rust spots on doors and adjacent areas to them. Ill have no rust but in the inside as I already stated.
3rd, I told ya guys about a line of rust that extends right along a weld by the back seat. above the rear axel, is this expensive to fix, im sure that would be custom work at the body shop. Oh and not only that I will need new wheel wells as well one day, When I painted the interior of the car the paint was seeping out of the wheel wells down underneath the car I dont know if thats normal or not. and I do have some crunchy spots anyway on the car.
Ok lastly, I dont really care about gas mileage, I was plannin on putting a 350 engine in hoping to get around 350 horses and get the usual 12 miles to a gallon most likely when I go to eastern. Well that right there will cost me some big bucks, let alone the fact my Th200 POS will not hold up because I dont have a good transmission. Now it comes down to this, if youve read so far thanks
I do like the 70-72 and 78-79 models a bit better, obviously the first ones are out of my price range, the 78s and 79s are also rarer. But for what im doing the rust fixing, swapping out an engine and transmission, fixing I figure will cost me a lot. I figure new wheel wells $1000, new floor boards $1100, new transmission tunnel, and other custom work $750 prolly, and engine $1000. That is thats close to $4,000 dollars. So I dont know. Ive seen some pretty nice monte carlols in the $4,000 range and all. I like my Luxury Sport its rare and all but geez is it a bad idea to really restore this car, fixing floor boards or should I sell it the Saginaw MI black people for $2250 or so and go south looking for something completely rust free in which we all know exists anyway? Take your time reading this please, Im sick of writing half assed questions to you guys, this is the real deal. Thank You 😀