I know about the speedometer calibrator section in the faqs. But, I do not know what my current gears are.
I figured since many of you guys probably have done the same swap I did it has been figured out already....
OK so I had a 305 / 200R4 combo with 2.41 rear gears 205/70 R/ 14
Now I have a 350 / TH350 combo with same 2.41 rear gears and 255/ 60 R /15 27" tall
OK some back ground - The transmission was out of an 85 Chevy pickup just for reference..
When driving the car the error is around 25 MPH on the slow side. (reading 25 mph at 45 to 50 actual)...
I need to know what drive gear color and driven gear color to get it in the correct ball park.
Suggestions anyone ?
NEXT, Due to the swap of said transmissions above my shift indicator (column shift LS ) is mounted in the speedometer
housing. However the red needle is stuck at Park. And does not move.... I no longer need the P-R-N-OD-2-1 from the
200R4 transmission. I need to replace it with the P-R-N-D-2-1 common with the 3 speed automatic.
Can I get just the replacement indicator and swap it out ? Or does this require a different speedometer all together?
Any help with this issue would be super... Thanks in advance jake 87BlazeLS
I figured since many of you guys probably have done the same swap I did it has been figured out already....
OK so I had a 305 / 200R4 combo with 2.41 rear gears 205/70 R/ 14
Now I have a 350 / TH350 combo with same 2.41 rear gears and 255/ 60 R /15 27" tall
OK some back ground - The transmission was out of an 85 Chevy pickup just for reference..
When driving the car the error is around 25 MPH on the slow side. (reading 25 mph at 45 to 50 actual)...
I need to know what drive gear color and driven gear color to get it in the correct ball park.
Suggestions anyone ?
NEXT, Due to the swap of said transmissions above my shift indicator (column shift LS ) is mounted in the speedometer
housing. However the red needle is stuck at Park. And does not move.... I no longer need the P-R-N-OD-2-1 from the
200R4 transmission. I need to replace it with the P-R-N-D-2-1 common with the 3 speed automatic.
Can I get just the replacement indicator and swap it out ? Or does this require a different speedometer all together?
Any help with this issue would be super... Thanks in advance jake 87BlazeLS