so the last time i was home i did the engine swap on my 85 cutlass and i had to remove the steering shaft just to make installing the headers a bit easyer,it was stuck in place so i had to take a hammer to it to pop it off.long story short i was about to fire up the car for the first time and noticed the steering column had lots of play so i took it apart to tighten the bolts on the tiltand still did the same thing.i took a closer look and saw the retaining cap on the bearing was not locked in to place to i tapped it back down and put it all back together, but it still had a little play. i said screw it and took the car out for a test and tune.i took a left and the column would lock so i would have to ease it off and then i would be able to finsh my turn. is their any way to fix this or is the column junk??? im going on leave in april for another 14 days just cuz the track is opening up and i need to get this problem out of my way