Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyparts

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Royal Smart Person
Jun 12, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
So I received my bumper back from Gbodyparts which I know has a relationship with a chrome plater. This was a trial test run on a program that he is going to start offering. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Far beyond OEM quality. thickness at 45 mils. I dont want to put it on my car!! I dont mirrors inside my house that are this clear.


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Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

Fkn sick dude. I hope they start selling clips and half-top trim/ window trim to match up and bring chrome back. I know a lot of ppl hate chrome b/c of imagined stereotyping and perception, but they're just confused and need a map. Thats how chrome is supposed to be so bystanders can see a reflection of the environment as the car drives by

Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

I need to get the pics & descriptions up on the site for all of these bumpers. We have powder coated H/O, 442, & Turbo buick bumpers for years. With all of the new parts coming out for our cars I have been sending out decent quantaties of bumpers so they can be in stock at all times.

Our shipping dept. is currently working on a shipping program.We can send you a new bumper & all you have to do is put your old bumper back in our box. Slap a return label on it & not have to be concerned about shipping. You will already know shipping to & from before you purchase.

The nice part is you will have a refundable minimal core charge. All continental U.S. shipping will be flat rate. You get 30 days to ship everything back in. We are also gettingthe new Chrome bumper bolts in larger quantaties which will reduce pricing. Bumperettes the small up & down pieces we will be getting seperate prices as well.

We have already had an e-mail asking what we can do for the supports. Call is in to our powder coater for pricing.

pencero I just picture small animals wearing sunglasses as not to be blinded by the sun from the chrome bumpers LOL
Vinyl Top samples are enroute from our supplier. I have been working on clips for about a month now. There is no one magic due it all for every Gbody clip. Every one is different for each body but some interchange.
Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

do u have pics of the H/O bumpers power coated? how much does it run? what kind of prep work do u guys do before power coating? sorry for all the questions

Bweavy said:
I need to get the pics & descriptions up on the site for all of these bumpers. We have powder coated H/O, 442, & Turbo buick bumpers for years. With all of the new parts coming out for our cars I have been sending out decent quantaties of bumpers so they can be in stock at all times.

Our shipping dept. is currently working on a shipping program.We can send you a new bumper & all you have to do is put your old bumper back in our box. Slap a return label on it & not have to be concerned about shipping. You will already know shipping to & from before you purchase.

The nice part is you will have a refundable minimal core charge. All continental U.S. shipping will be flat rate. You get 30 days to ship everything back in. We are also gettingthe new Chrome bumper bolts in larger quantaties which will reduce pricing. Bumperettes the small up & down pieces we will be getting seperate prices as well.

We have already had an e-mail asking what we can do for the supports. Call is in to our powder coater for pricing.

pencero I just picture small animals wearing sunglasses as not to be blinded by the sun from the chrome bumpers LOL
Vinyl Top samples are enroute from our supplier. I have been working on clips for about a month now. There is no one magic due it all for every Gbody clip. Every one is different for each body but some interchange.
Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

84cutlass383 said:
do u have pics of the H/O bumpers power coated? how much does it run? what kind of prep work do u guys do before power coating? sorry for all the questions

Bweavy said:
I need to get the pics & descriptions up on the site for all of these bumpers. We have powder coated H/O, 442, & Turbo buick bumpers for years. With all of the new parts coming out for our cars I have been sending out decent quantaties of bumpers so they can be in stock at all times.

Our shipping dept. is currently working on a shipping program.We can send you a new bumper & all you have to do is put your old bumper back in our box. Slap a return label on it & not have to be concerned about shipping. You will already know shipping to & from before you purchase.

The nice part is you will have a refundable minimal core charge. All continental U.S. shipping will be flat rate. You get 30 days to ship everything back in. We are also gettingthe new Chrome bumper bolts in larger quantaties which will reduce pricing. Bumperettes the small up & down pieces we will be getting seperate prices as well.

We have already had an e-mail asking what we can do for the supports. Call is in to our powder coater for pricing.

pencero I just picture small animals wearing sunglasses as not to be blinded by the sun from the chrome bumpers LOL
Vinyl Top samples are enroute from our supplier. I have been working on clips for about a month now. There is no one magic due it all for every Gbody clip. Every one is different for each body but some interchange.

No problem with the questions that is what I am here for. We do a lot of Grand National units. I have the pictures on my site for those.
http://www.gbodyparts.com/popup_image.p ... 135d8fa636

We have only done maybe 10 sets of Hurst olds in the last 5-6 years. It isn't a common request so I never really listed them.
What we do is have them blasted down to bare steel. Then they shoot light coats of paint to chefck for any imperfections. Dings etc. Once they are repaired then they are blasted again. They are put into an oven to release any imourities in the metal. Then powder coated.

Most guys send in bumpers this time of year when the cars are down. Price depends on if we have to dismantle the inner supports & coat them as well. Normally if there are no repairs & you send in your shell we just blast & powder coat it is about $80.00-100 & then return shipping.
If we can run 10 bumpers at a time I can get em for $80 1 at a time which I rarely do unless it is a 1 off color runs $125. If you sent a set in I would probablly schedule it where we could send in 6 of ours for best pricing.

One car we did do I should have taken pics of was a white set of bumpers on a white car. That really looked bad *ss.
That look past & he went back to chrome a few years ago.
Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

Wow, nice to see good quality parts.
Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

That's just AWESOME!
I bought a GN bumper from gbodyparts some time ago and was very happy.
Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

Very nice. Any chance you would offer them with the license plate holes up front welded up?
Re: Take a look at this amazing re-chrome bumper from Gbodyp

tobyp, i don't blame you its soo clean. One day all my chrome will be this clean. One day!
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