Talk about Lucky !!!

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Royal Smart Person
May 21, 2011
Kentville,Nova Scotia,Canada
Took the Monte for a Mothers Day cruise yesterday,Valeria,Pepper and I went up along the Fundy shore taking in the beautiful view.As the day progressed,I noticed it was getting harder to shift,but I thought it was probably the clutch needing a bit of adjustment.But it kept getting worse and got to the point where the clutch wouldnt dis-engage.I pulled into the parking lot of a closed exhaust shop,The Bus Boys,jacked the car up a bit and got underneath to adjust the clutch,but as I was going to do that,I noticed the tip of the clutch fork pushrod poking out through the "cup" in the clutch fork it sits in.No adjustment was gonna fix that,so I'm thinking tow truck,pull the transmission,etc.Then Valeria says here comes someone from across the road,and this gentleman comes and asks what's wrong,and I told him.He says Oh I've seen that happen before,and then he says I happen to own a MIG welder,bring your car over and we'll have a look at it.I had to put it in gear and start it that way to drive it over there.We jacked it up,got the pushrod out of the clutch fork,and he made a little patch piece and welded it in the clutch fork.Then we put it back together,adjusted the clutch a bit,lowered the car back down,and,Voila,we were back on the road again.All I can say is a really big THANK YOU to Cpl. Jim Rogers,airplane technician in the Canadian Air Force based in 14 Wing Greenwood Nova Scotia.Talk about an act of human kindness,and when I emptied my pockets of every last cent I had on me,he would not take a penny !!! He told me that I wasnt the first person that had pulled into that same parking lot with car troubles that he has helped out.So instead of a tow truck we were able to finish our cruise,had a nice Mothers Day lunch,and drove the Monte home,what a relief...
Cpl. Jim Rogers sure gets my vote for Good Samaritan of the Year !!!
Great guy and what a lucky spot to pull over! Awesome story, made me feel good 😀
Good stuff ! I have criss-crossed this country a few times and Only in the Maritimes does that stuff typically happen. In Toronto you will be stared at but nobody will stop.
As a kid about 8-10 I recall being rescued in the middle of the Renous Highway NB by a family who spoke no english and we spoke no french. We were fed, lodged for the night, and they helped fix the car before sending us on our way.
That was a good day for you and for the person who helped you. Those who like to help enjoy the chance of helping people out......and this may not happen in larger cities but when you go out to rural parts of Canada or the US people have different attitudes.
What a nice guy! Good to know there are still decent people that don't think twice about helping a stranger. "The smile you send out returns to you" -Indian wisdom.
Had the Monte on my buddy's hoist yesterday and had a look at the patch job on my clutch fork,

Not a bad job considering what an akward place its in and the car was only a foot or so off of the ground.Heres the hole

My buddy welded it up

As far as I can see,the only way to do a better job would be to pull the transmission and bellhousing and get the clutch fork out.But this should be good enough for now,I'll be keeping an eye on it in the future.
I love stories like this 😀

I love being a random blessing to other people. I honestly think it makes me feel better helping someone, than the joy they feel for being helped by a stranger. That is probably my most important attribute here at work, is to be a servant to my customers and make their days better. Not very many people coming into an auto parts store are very happy. I want them to be happy when they leave my store :banana:
Cool story.....I was fortunate enough to be a good guy a couple weeks ago. At the car wash next to my house, a coule guys on some motorcycles had to stop because the battery quit charging on one of the bikes. I was in the process of moving the 455 out of the shed, on the hoist, when one of them walked over and asked if I had a battery charger. I told him yes, and asked what was going on. He explained he would pay me to use the battery charger. He and his buddy had driven up from Alabama, and was going camping here, locally. The battery discharged and they were stuck. I told them no problem, and told him he could walk the bike to my garage, or take the battery off and bring it down. He brought it down, and I put it on the charger. We stood there, enjoying a beer and talking. We talked about the bikes we had owned and ridden, talked cars (g-bodies, of which he had interest in too). The battery charged, and he offered to pay me for the help and of course, i told him no. Told him just to pass it on to the next guy, and he said "thanks a bunch" and installed his battery on the bike. They thanked me and said they really appreciated the help, and that you don't see it too often, and tried to give me some bucks for the trouble again. I waved them off and told them to have fun camping, and come back around nesxt time they came through. Pretty good feeling helping others when you are able.
Wow, I love hearing stories like this. 😀
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