Target Stores Request Legal Documents! 40 Illegals Quit!

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Master Mechanic
Aug 8, 2008
Fidalgo Island,Washington
megaladon6 said:
and i'd say that you obviously don't live in an area with a lot of illegals, or have friends in the medical industry, or watch the news.
granted, they don't get "free" medical care per se. but if you go to ER they are required to treat you, and how do they make someone pay? how do you go after someone who gives you a false name and/or address and there's no paperwork on?
and where was my racial comment? did i say anything about spics or guats or anything like that? i don't like them 'cause they're criminals. period. if they're mexican, guatemalan, or whatever and here legally, i have absolutely no problem.
again, if you don't have an issue with criminals--you're an idiot. that's not name calling, it's an expression of your intelligence. do you also throw parties for murderers?
oh, and at one point i had to go for assistance and got squat. but the illegals there at the same time got help! granted it probably helped that they had their kid here--so he's an american citizen. which is extremely common.
Guess you dont read well,or you dont care what I said! You agreed with or confirmed 99% of everything I said! :lol:


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
uh, no sh*t? that's because i agree with you. :D
i didn't see the need to quote it, so i said to read it.
here's an interesting one if you emigrate to mexico and become a citizen you do NOT get the right to vote or join the military. i believe there are a few other things that you can't do. that's mighty fair of them now isn't it? they make you a citizen with none of the rights.


Master Mechanic
Aug 8, 2008
Fidalgo Island,Washington
megaladon6 said:
uh, no sh*t? that's because i agree with you. :D
i didn't see the need to quote it, so i said to read it.
here's an interesting one if you emigrate to mexico and become a citizen you do NOT get the right to vote or join the military. i believe there are a few other things that you can't do. that's mighty fair of them now isn't it? they make you a citizen with none of the rights.
Yeah,thats what I mean! If I crossed the border illegally into Mexico,do you think I'd get anything other than locked up? How about if I was a "refugee" from here that floated on a raft into Cuba? How about sneaking across the northern border into Canada even?


G-Body Guru
Oct 13, 2009
America is a lot like Walmart... full of cheap deals and people that don't have any money like to come here. America would be better off if they changed to the Target model where the quality is a little better and they kick out the illegal aliens.


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
America would be better off if they changed to the Target model
ummm, no thanks target is french, i'd rather not go that route!
plus i don't like target for that fact that they will donate to any charity EXCEPT veterans. :wtf:


Master Mechanic
Aug 8, 2008
Fidalgo Island,Washington
megaladon6 said:
America would be better off if they changed to the Target model
ummm, no thanks target is french, i'd rather not go that route!
plus i don't like target for that fact that they will donate to any charity EXCEPT veterans. :wtf:
I heard all that too! I havent been in a Target in over 3 years. 'd like to cross Walmart off my list too,but I just reduced visits there to about 2-3 times a year mostly
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
I actually DO live in an area with plenty of illegals (Tampa/St.Pete) and I have seen it for myself. I never said they should not be deported either. I believe that they should be deported. However, the issue that concerns me the most is that we now live in a country that does not enforce it's own immigration laws and nor does it protect it's borders. To me, that is a far greater problem than the Mexican who comes here to pick citrus. All I said is that you need to see the economics of the situation from their point of view also. If you were dirt poor and starving and could walk across the order to another country where you could make money, that country's government would do little to stop you and would not really try to arrest you when you got there, you would do it too. Is it illegal? Sure it is. However, if there was not a significant draw and lax consequences for these people to stream over the border, they would not do it. Deporting them with an open border to the south is like trying to bail out the Titanic with a soup can. Fix the border issues first. Then worry about what to do with the illegals who are already here.

As far as the underground economy goes, it has always existed and always will exist. Be it drugs, prostitution, or working under the table, there will always be work for those on society's fringes who are willing to work outside the normal system. It is a cheap way to buy labor, and an easy way to make untraceable cash. Most of us have done it in one form or another without paying taxes on it, which makes us criminals. Does it make us a danger to society or bad people? That depends on what you do. Selling drugs? Yes. Mowing someone's lawn? Not so much. It's just survival.
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