Teachable Moments.

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Nov 18, 2009
Saskatchewan, Truckistan
On Saturday morning Natasha and the girls were decorating the house for Halloween. Tatiana (age 6) was outside hanging decorations - when she got to the CAUTION-DANGER safety tape she tried wrapping it around the tree in front of the house. She came in the house for some reason - within a few moments I hear Natasha panicking. I rush up stairs to learn (and smell) that Tatiana had not taken her shoes off at the front door (like she was supposed to) and tracked dog sh*t through the house - up the stairs and into the main intersection of our hallway.

We don't own a dog.

Now we are trying to keep the 4 and 6 year olds, the cats, and ourselves out of the mess. Navigation of her poopy foot prints was a treat while trying to hop from space to space in order to coordinate a solution. Tossing the kids and cats into a room, fetching a mop and bucket, and getting Natasha and Talia out the door to a birthday party was a treat. Nothing tops spending your Saturday morning on your hands and knees cleaning up rapidly drying feces.

After I had finished cleaning up inside, I had a philosophical discussion with Tatiana about why we were freaking out, and then I took her outside and got her some gloves, paper towel, some grocery bags, and a garden hose. She picked up the logs of sh*t from around the tree, picked the sh*t out of her shoes, washed her shoes, the floor mats, and the stoop with the hose.

Then we cleaned out the kitchen trash compactor, built some poison traps with peanut butter and death pills, and rebuilt the weed whacker. This time spent together gave her a real appreciation for hard work - she could barely stand by the time the sun was setting - and a strong sense of accomplishment.


Also, if you ask her what an engine needs to run she'll tell you air, fuel, and spark.

Originally Daddy-Daughter day was supposed to be a Hellcat ride to the park and ice cream - but this was way better... especially because she'll never forget to take her shoes off again.
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Oh the memories.....

My princess is 13 going 0n 30. She is heavily involved in dance. Even teaches 4 classes of kids younger than her at the studio. My wife takes her there 4 times / week. When she's not there, she's practicing at the house.

This past Monday her favorite artist/dancer - Chris Brown was in concert in Detroit. Initially, the tickets were crazy expensive but a week before the show, I found some awesome seats for a reasonable 🤐 amount. I surprised her and we went together. If you gave me 10 million dollars I couldn't sing one line of any of his music but this event wasn't for me.

We had a great time. Well, she danced and sang every song. Lost her voice but it was worth it.

She was the envy of all her friends and my chest hurts from the weight of the "Coolest Dad Ever" medal I've been wearing all week.

The time spent just us, no Mom or brother is precious. I loved every minute of it. 😍
Our youngest Victoria is 18 and going to University for a Teacher, Faith is 20 going for an Art degree, already sold many commissions, talent on both sides of the family and Amber 22 going for a Environmental Science degree. I am only 43 and now we have 4 dog "kids" and wait for Grandchildren to spoil and fill with bad stuff. We made our girls do chores and disciplined them, including spankings when little. We gave them more freedom as they got older, only got on their case when they did stupid stuff. My Parents were good parents, spanking as the last resort. My In laws were very strict. Her Mom being a Mennonite was very spare the rod and spoil the child, they got spanked every day. It is very good kids understand the responsibility of their actions. I wanted to be a bit harder on our kids than my parents but not as hard as my In laws. It can be very hard, my youngest is a lot like my Mom and Sister, we are very different. Unfortunately some people turn out terrible even if a parent does everything right, just part that genetic lottery when we have kids. Good luck, I am pulling for you, we are all in this together.
I had kids once....sold them on ebay. $1 plus shipping. No tax. 🙂

Hint: Unlike most classic cars, they're worth less the older they get.

Oh wait. We don't have children. I got nieces and nephews though. Saw what my brothers went through. That's a job in and of itself. No thanks. Nothing against others doing so, but it's not for me. My wife has one big kid to worry about, and that apparently is her limit!
My kids are great. We put them to work helping out with the house along with their normal chores. Son (14) decided he wanted to play football this year (8th grade). I'm not into sports but support his decision. He broke his left clavicle a week ago but it hasn't dampened his team spirit. Still going to practice and games. I pretty laid back with them unless they do something way out of line. Daughter is 12 the tenth of this month. Does excellent in school, is in a few gifted classes. It's difficult to get her to do her chores but she's so sweet so if that's the only downfall she has then we're good. I didn't want kids in the beginning but I wouldn't trade them for anything.
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