So I've got a small drip coming from the bullet that goes into the back of the transmission after the car sits a few days so guessing that little O ring has just gone a little flat.No big deal. I'm having a surprisingly hard time finding the damn O ring from any of the local parts stores. ... ccessories
Is all I should need right? Or are there any other seals around there that it could be? Haven't pulled it out since I live on a hill so once I do I'll have to refill some of the fluid.
And as far as the O ring itself goes should I just go ahead and cover it in some vasoline or is there something else I should be using with transmission o rings? ... ccessories
Is all I should need right? Or are there any other seals around there that it could be? Haven't pulled it out since I live on a hill so once I do I'll have to refill some of the fluid.
And as far as the O ring itself goes should I just go ahead and cover it in some vasoline or is there something else I should be using with transmission o rings?