<div class="bbWrapper"><b>Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT"</b><br />
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Sticker looks good big homie, my friend is full of <img src="https://gbodyforum.com/oldsmilies/bsflag.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":bs:" title="B.S. Flag :bs:" data-shortname=":bs:" /> but he said he is ready to start cutting them once he knows what size and colors we want. He can make two tone stickers to (outlined in a color like chrome with a colored center) Here is an example of what he can do. Big Saint I already know what size u want, i'll try to get a price for u today.<br />
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I'm doing the flags white with wood grain lettering and a gold leaf outline. Once I tint my back window it will make the flag look black and white</div>