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Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 7-9-11

rocket355 said:
Nice touch - S10 wheels! Are those 15" or 16"? Gotta love the "under construction" look. She's got character!
there the elcamino wheels and they r 14s
Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 7-9-11

took the v6 motor mounts out :blam: ....unhooked the 305 fronm the trans for my bro ELCOWARREN




Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 7-9-11

Man!!! Like I said on youtube..I should have jumped on the 10 after work. Preciate that bruh. Oh yeah!! No workin on "E" bruh bruh!! Gotta keep that energy up! I'll be down next weekend to help with stuff work on the trans. Imma paint it to match the motor. The paint should harden up nice sittin in that hot *ss storage unit for 2!

Elco Warren 8)
Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 7-9-11

Bumpin1ohmSS said:
Man!!! Like I said on youtube..I should have jumped on the 10 after work. Preciate that bruh. Oh yeah!! No workin on "E" bruh bruh!! Gotta keep that energy up! I'll be down next weekend to help with stuff work on the trans. Imma paint it to match the motor. The paint should harden up nice sittin in that hot *ss storage unit for 2!

Elco Warren 8)
hahhaah it will and i woke up and went str8 over there but didnt expect to b there that long but its all eating a campbells CHUNKY soup right now :wink:
Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 9-11-11

Well well well...Look what I have just sittin at mels waiting to donate to Tha Runts 305. Since your gonna eventually get a 350, Imma throw these your way bruh. Then when you get the 350, I'll take the old 305 back and save it and maybe rebuild it all the way for practice....You already know the carb is yours...Holley 600 CFM BRAND SPANKIN NEW-Thats how 80z crew get down...



Holley 4150 600cfm single inlet setup off my GMP crate motor. Lil polish and it will shine up nicely. I just threw the water neck on there for the pic..







Gettin her "DIGITAL READY" :mrgreen:







And I got all the pullies and stuff you need. Dont trip on it either fam. Then you can save for the 350 you really want.I have another billet water neck, power steering lines the works. Ill bring down all the stuff and we can sort out whats needed. Fam this way Tha Runts on the road, you can save for a beefy 350 and then I'll get my old motor back and can restore it and learn off of.. 80z for the win!!! I'll be down with all your suspension stuff done this saturday too :wink:

Elco Warren 8)
Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 9-11-11

Bumpin1ohmSS said:
Well well well...Look what I have just sittin at mels waiting to donate to Tha Runts 305. Since your gonna eventually get a 350, Imma throw these your way bruh. Then when you get the 350, I'll take the old 305 back and save it and maybe rebuild it all the way for practice....You already know the carb is yours...Holley 600 CFM BRAND SPANKIN NEW-Thats how 80z crew get down...



Holley 4150 600cfm single inlet setup off my GMP crate motor. Lil polish and it will shine up nicely. I just threw the water neck on there for the pic..







Gettin her "DIGITAL READY" :mrgreen:







And I got all the pullies and stuff you need. Dont trip on it either fam. Then you can save for the 350 you really want.I have another billet water neck, power steering lines the works. Ill bring down all the stuff and we can sort out whats needed. Fam this way Tha Runts on the road, you can save for a beefy 350 and then I'll get my old motor back and can restore it and learn off of.. 80z for the win!!! I'll be down with all your suspension stuff done this saturday too :wink:

Elco Warren 8)
MAN BRO U BROUGHT A SMILE TO MY FACE.... i really appreciate everything u do for a brotha! i was 10 seconds away from ordering the intake and dis from skipwhite website... o yea now if i dont get this malibu wagon im lookin at them the 350 is DEF coming to a storage unit near u hahahahhahahahha! thanks again bro!! 80zbabiez STAND UP!!!
Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 9-11-11

Imma bring all the tape and stuff needed to tape the 30"50" off after the degrease. Then scuff and spray it up how you want. I have a set of wire loom holders you can use as well. We gotta get him back on the road ASAP bruh. Saturday Im dedicated to go hard on Tha Runt and put some time in. Its only right. You been goin hard on the BCT. Gotta return the luv bruh. Cant wait to get out there. I even have a gang of paint left over if you want me to spray it up a nice black with "aluminum" heads bruh. Man Im excited!! Lets get it bruh!

Edit...Just hit me. Are you running the serpentine setup or the regular belts? The new Skip white water pump is clockwise rotation. If I get the Edelbrock reverse rotation in endura shine, I'll swang the NEW Edelbrock pump from my current setup.

Elco Warren :mrgreen:
Re: 81 malibu PROJECT "THA RUNT" UPDATES 9-11-11

Bumpin1ohmSS said:
Imma bring all the tape and stuff needed to tape the 30"50" off after the degrease. Then scuff and spray it up how you want. I have a set of wire loom holders you can use as well. We gotta get him back on the road ASAP bruh. Saturday Im dedicated to go hard on Tha Runt and put some time in. Its only right. You been goin hard on the BCT. Gotta return the luv bruh. Cant wait to get out there. I even have a gang of paint left over if you want me to spray it up a nice black with "aluminum" heads bruh. Man Im excited!! Let get it bruh!

Elco Warren :mrgreen:
lol man i dont care if we weree painting FUSIA PURPLE im ready to get my car back on the road!! and u kno i dont like all the shinny stuff but when u get hooked up cant complain 😀 😀 😀 .. well im off next weekend regarless if im scheduled or NOT!!! that s how i get down and trust i will b there @ 6 am gettin it in!!! imma buy the oil pump sat as well and the gaskets needed
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