Well, they think they can make it meet the laws of other nations if they decide to export it. Right now, it's an India only car with future expansion most likely into Eastern Europe (former Soviet Block), Africa, Asia and South America. In those countries, the lack of a real highway system means they do not need to be all that fast. These countries also do not need to meet NHTSA or EURO-NCAP safety standards like western Europe or North America. What is bad about it is that it will stretch the ever-shrinking oil supplies even further as more and more people vie for the same amount of oil. I do not want to keep these cars from these people, nor am I an eco-fascist who thinks they need to use public transportation instead. In these countries, a car is a necessity to economic growth. I am a little worried that we will go the way of Europe and see $10 a gallon gas in the short and long term as China and India place hundreds of millions more cars and trucks on the road.