I love a wide variety of cars and trucks but I don't find many models in the last decade very exciting. Without a scanner you can't even work on most of them anyway. I gravitate towards domestic cars but I'm not close minded. The only foreign car I owned was a 328i and it put my domestics to shame. When I bought the Cutlass I didn't know much about working on cars but I was tired of depending on others. Now I can honestly say that I do know how to work on stuff and feel a lot more confident approaching a car. I still don't know how to do brakes or transmissions, and I'm not ready to build a motor yet, but those are things I look forward to learning in the future. I cheated on the 79mc and had a lot of work done at the shop. To do an exotic car like an old Porsche would cost 10x to restore all the things I had repaired. I think the best thing about staying in older cars / domestic is avoiding car payments and being in a lower insurance group. Then, when you do have a problem such as someone smacks into the car, the damage is not very bad. I can't stand some of the newer bumpers with plastic clips and they are just for show. If I were to hit a deer I would much rather be in a car like the Cutlass / 79mc. Imagine hitting a deer in a car you just took out a 30 grand commitment on. Some of you don't have to imagine that, you've been there. I'm straight. Even if I buy an import it would be something on the older side too, and I wouldn't take the aesthetics nearly as seriously. I have owned many cars in my lifetime but never made a car payment. Without the title to a car I just don't feel like it's mine. I wouldn't want to have to buy parts for some of the newer cars out there, especially while still making payments. This platform is very affordable and that's what keeps me here. I guess that's why after owning so many cars all I have left is the Cutlass now. It was easiest to work on, affordable, resilient... I haven't even put a real motor in it yet and I can't wait to get started on the real learning curve. I've been studying hard on here what to do and what not to do, so I make the right choices for me and my region when it comes time for the swap!