YMMV then, it appears some have had success with the stock one and some haven’t. I’ve heard others say the stock bracket worked too. I tried it with the stock and found that it didn’t put the brake line in a good spot without risk of it binding or getting smashed. Perhaps it’s because I have AM brake lines.
I too tried both Blazer bracket and G body brackets. The some do some don't comes down to how much hose tension or folding are you going to put up with.
One this I noticed is most have the stock coil spring in the car. So with the car on stands or a few years on the road at ride height. Sweep the wheel left and right and decide if the hose is happy.
Since I have coil overs. I disconnected the springs and swept the wheel from full left to full right A N D repeated this with the suspension fully compressed. I admit, it may be a rare scenario that a car will be at compression and full steer at the same time. I am here to report both brake line set ups will not satisfy under both conditions at all ride heights.
I was truly hoping the stock set up work satisfy me. I prepped the brackets before installation and bought all new brake lines, only to throw them in the garbage after not being satisfied with their position at full lock.
Blazer front brakes
Read the Blazer Brake Done thread but it's so long. I skimmed through it and is a stock G body hose what we need? If I cycle my front suspension and steering. The extreme travel makes the hose unhappy. The mock up is driver's side. Off the caliper, I have it pointed straight down. In the 2nd...