1984 Supreme at the car wash next to my home.
Had Chevy rallies on it, and owner says he has some Olds Rallyes to go on it. He had just changed the doors out, due to rust in the bottom. Maroon interior, and 307. I have known this guy for a long time (but not talked to in a long time), and he has a 1987 442 in Black, with about 10,000 miles on it, IIRC.

Had Chevy rallies on it, and owner says he has some Olds Rallyes to go on it. He had just changed the doors out, due to rust in the bottom. Maroon interior, and 307. I have known this guy for a long time (but not talked to in a long time), and he has a 1987 442 in Black, with about 10,000 miles on it, IIRC.