Well, Star Wars -The Prequels- was supposed to be an analogy to the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich in Germany. It is pretty much analogous to the rise of a populist dictatorship in any country. The point of may of my previous comments in this thread is that history repeats itself due to the short sighted nature of the majority of human beings. Yes, I do see Obama as a potential Hitler type leader. If not in genocide, then at least in scope. Read up on the history of the Wiemar Republic and the things that lead to the rise of Fascism in Germany. It is a very interesting read and has many parallels with today. Just replace antisemitism with environmentalism to get the gist of the analogy. Hitler had the SA and the SS, Obama wants a national "volunteer" green army to report on people who are not living green enough. Oh, and you have to look at the hyperinflation of the Deuchmark and the effect it had on the economic future of the ordinary German. It was one of the key rallying points of the National Socialists when they were trying to gain power, even as far back as the Munich Beer Hall Putch.