I'm tired of messing with my leaky trans lines that I ran when I added a external trans cooler. The simple black hose and simple hose clamps seem to work there way loose every soo often and spray trans oil in my engine bay.
What I would love to know is the correst diameter of the trans lines on MY 1980 ELCAMINO with a TH350? Ya see once I have that measurement , I think it is Earls that sells the required adapter to go to -AN Fittings and braided hose. The looks will be cool and No More Leaks. Please help!!!!!!!! If I had a descent Micrometer or any measuring device other than a tape measure I would check it myself. But thats what friends are for>>>>
What I would love to know is the correst diameter of the trans lines on MY 1980 ELCAMINO with a TH350? Ya see once I have that measurement , I think it is Earls that sells the required adapter to go to -AN Fittings and braided hose. The looks will be cool and No More Leaks. Please help!!!!!!!! If I had a descent Micrometer or any measuring device other than a tape measure I would check it myself. But thats what friends are for>>>>