I have a Oldsmobile with a 260 and a 200 transmission (I think). It works alright but when it upshifts and there is load on the engine, the transmission will cause the car to jerk forward when it shifts. It's hard to explain the feeling by writing but it is kind of like driving a stick in 1st gear, pressing the clutch and shifting to next gear, then giving the car too much gas and suddenly letting off the clutch instead of slowly letting off the clutch with your foot. Also, it seems like it takes a little too long to go into 3rd when accelerating a little hard. If I back off the gas a little it will go ahead and shift. Otherwise, it's working Ok. I don't know anything about automatic transmissions so I don't know what to check. I did check the transmission fluid and it is too high but I don't know how to drain a little out.