This is one of those things that if it were me, and I was going the far into things I would go ahead and do all new bushings and ball joints. You're going to have everything apart anyway and if the upper control arm bushings are that bad then the lowers are probably not in the best shape either.
I've also found it much, much easier to just remove the control arms and take them down to my local machine shop and let them remove and install the new bushings as well as press in new lower ball joints. However I'm lucky in that I've done a lot of business with them over the years so something like this they usually don't charge me anything or tops maybe $20.
You don't really need a spring compressor to remove the springs. You can place a hydraulic jack under the lower control arm, disconnect everything, back off the ball joint nuts but leave them on so that you can let the spring pressure pop them out of the spindle, then remove the nuts and slowly lower the jack until the spring falls out. It's a good idea to wrap a chain, wire cable, etc. through the spring and around the frame for safety in case it does want to come flying out at you.
To reinstall you can just reverse the procedure. I know many that haven't used a spring compressor to reinstall a spring either and were able to just jack everything back up into place but I've usually installed a stiffer spring and a compressor was mandatory as the jack usually just started to pick the car up before compressing the spring enough to get the upper ball joint seating in the spindle.