I will say that after seeing this, I am stunned. Fiat (of all companies!) has done something truly brilliant here. They have come up with a way to vary engine speed by controlling the lift and duration of the intake valves and doing away with the conventional throttle blade in the process. This is much different than Honda's VTEC, which only switches between two lobe profiles at a given switch over point. No, this allows an infinite amount of adjustment on the fly using the engine computer and oil pressure as the medium. I cannot even imagine how hard it would be to modify this engine, but I am confident it will be figured out by someone. Why is this relevant to the US market? Well, this technology is used in the Alfa Romeo Mito which is the same car as the Fiat 500 that will be sold in the US at Chrysler dealers some time in the next year or two. So, expect plenty of "Fix It Again Tony" jokes when the Italian electrical systems all fail in rapid succession. Anyhow, here's a link if you want to watch a Flash video or 5 of the system in action. http://www.fptmultiair.com/flash_multiair_eng/home.htm