I am going to follow the rules about keeping politics out, this is for the vets like myself. From what I have experianced in my 22 years in the Army I am insulted by those who abuse PTSD as an excuse for hurt feelings. Those who feel like the have use that "hashtag PTSD" need to be introduced into what really causes an person the have to cope with PTSD. Just because something in life doesn't go your way, you don't win a game, someone insulted your feelings you don't claim PTSD. For those of us who have been to the Middle East, lost friends, been hurt, deal with the sh*t hitting the fan, seeing innocent people getting hurt or worse cause someone doesn't care who they hurt, having to be away from their family, seeing or hearing someone claim to have PTSD for a petty reason should make one really pissed. I have friends that will never be "right" no matter how well they have adjusted from being home. I have my issues with PTSD that I fought the VA with the solution of meds. I know those who tried to deal with issues to lose their marraiges, can't keep civilain jobs, Keep getting DUI's, having issues with drugs. Only good thing is that none of those I know tried to off themselves. My election posting shows two things I am proud of,my voter sticker for voting for whoever I wanted for & my mini CIB (Combat Infantryman Badge.) Those of us who deals with PTSD uses this hobby and other hobbies to relax ourselves. Each of us have different ways PTSD affects us & what it brings out of us. We are glad for the support we have to deal with it, the family & friends that stands by us, the fellow vets that know what we go through. We have our good & bad moments. We are peaceful, we get angry, we get down. But we keep strong. Now having some snot nose college kid living off mommy's & daddy's dime claiming PTSD cause there is something in the world not going their way, someone so self asorbed into something only seeing life through blinders, someone who only thinks their way is the only way, someone who can not accept their fellow man/woman opinion can take themselves with those like themselves to somewhere else where we vets don't have to come across them & they can claim all the problems they want. Don't abuse the claim of PTSD, don't use "hashtag PTSD", pull up your big kid pants & suck it up. I don't mean to insult anyone here using the forum but I had to get this off my chest.