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supkylesup said:
Well don't mean to play the blame game but things seemed fine till one bad egg joined.
I'm not even sure if this guy owns a gbody but he sure as hell likes starting fires.
Now it's gotten racial and out of hand.

I'm with 454muscle on this one
Respect learn it like it live it
what was fine till the "bad egg" joined? cuz ive seen these problems way b 4 this! it all seems to start when someone post pics of there car on big rims or a friend car on big rims!..JMO....i cud careless about the rims on a car cuz im to short to even think about doin it :rofl: :rofl: ..but i respect others taste and keep my negative comments to my self..
I have to agree with the people that say if you don't like it don't comment on it. I understand the OP comes on to a public forum and post a thread for all to see and thus subjects it to public opinion but hey if it isn't your thing then don't bust his balls for it or anyone elses. Just click back on your browser and move on. Pretty simple concept isn't it?
CHRIS.O said:
I have to agree with the people that say if you don't like it don't comment on it. I understand the OP comes on to a public forum and post a thread for all to see and thus subjects it to public opinion but hey if it isn't your thing then don't bust his balls for it or anyone elses. Just click back on your browser and move on. Pretty simple concept isn't it?
Im afraid thats not the world we live in anymore Chris. To some people, decent human values like Character and Respect are no longer valued...takes to much effort....nothing is off limits .. and they're just dying to tell somebody how they feel, and they dont give a crap if anybodys listening because they only care about their own useless opinions.
tc1959 said:
Seriously " Your show for your community' Those are your words "Brah"..... Pretty one way.
What a crock of sh*t. The only "Hater here is you "
Let me get this straight "Brah", If I ain't one of the "Fam" then I am just a " Hater- Racist ? "
This bullshit is getting too deep...... :wtf:
Yeah...and this ^ is just more crap on the pile ... "BRAH" :blam:
ElCaminoGRAN/SPORT said:
Keep doing yall thang one of my reason im going to a 700r4 cause i will bw makin a 3000 mile trip with my lil bro to check out yall i wanna do a gbody run in cali and hit vegas up for a Veg or dub life show.
Thats a hell of a trip, but I can say it sounds like a fun one.. you will be welcomed with open arms and a brew if you drink..lol hope to see you out here sometime soon..and the Dub Life Spring Classic Show will always be held the Sunday after Easter FYI. Around that same time the boys out in Cali have something going on.. so stay posted
oldiejams said:
another one of these threads, really?

That's what its turned into. Again. Jesus, people. If you don't have anything constructive to add to a thread, just leave it alone. Nobody is (I hope) holding you at gunpoint over your keyboard, "type some bad sh*t about this guy, NAO!"

I'm locking this thread because of the "race" crap that's gotten kicked up, on all sides. I almost welcome these kinds of discussions like what started here, because it at least gets it out in the open and talked about, and maybe something good will come of it. Usually not, unfortunately (like this).

Everyone's got to realize that "G Bodies" have a pretty wide following, from the "big wheel/donk" crowd, the lowriders/hydraulic guys, the restorers/modifiers, daily driver crowd, to out-and-out race cars.... I see a lot of stuff on all these fronts that makes me cringe, but I (usually! even I slip at times!) don't feel the need to get in here and talk sh*t about it.

"MOANE", you do realize that we've seen most of these already. Check some of QDub's threads in Customs and here in Photos.... Posting more and more of them is borderline trolling IMO. That said, nobody has to feed the trolls, either. Just let the topic fade on down the list and into oblivion.

To all the people who think I should be banning people for this: That's exactly what I don't want to do. I've said this a kajillion times, once I start down that road, I have to be consistent and ban anyone who says anything that anyone might consider offensive in the slightest. The obvious crap I will act on, the subtler stuff I really don't like passing judgement on, for the above reason. I don't want this to be a place people have to "walk on eggshells" for fear of getting banned.

:idea: I just had an idea. I'll post that in another topic somewhere else on the site. It might make some of you guys a little more, ah, at ease about certain concerns I've heard lately.
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