What do you do for a living?

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Officially I'm a historian, but I took the first job available while waiting for an emplyoment as such. BAM, i was a PR-assistant for Valve s.a.r.l.
Then I landed a better paid job with Harley-Davidson Luxembourg, and I became their after-sales supervisor. I was still looking for something better, and I got really lucky in my search for a better job: now i'm an established clerk on the board of education in our capital (Luxembourg-City). Talk about jumping in between carreers 🤣
Officially I'm a historian, but I took the first job available while waiting for an emplyoment as such. BAM, i was a PR-assistant for Valve s.a.r.l.
Then I landed a better paid job with Harley-Davidson Luxembourg, and I became their after-sales supervisor. I was still looking for something better, and I got really lucky in my search for a better job: now i'm an established clerk on the board of education in our capital (Luxembourg-City). Talk about jumping in between carreers 🤣

How is life in Luxembourg for the average Luxembourgian? What's the weather like? What do most people there do for fun? And what's considered 'hot' entertainment?

p.s. - I love discussing these things with people from far, far away. And if that's a picture of your and your G-body in your avatar, how the he$%@*l did you find a Gran Prix there?
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How is life in Luxembourg for the average Luxembourgian? What's the weather like? What do most people there do for fun? And what's considered 'hot' entertainment?

p.s. - I love discussing these things with people from far, far away. And if that's a picture of your and your G-body in your avatar, how the he$%@*l did you find a Gran Prix there?

For the average Luxembourger its a nice place. Since we are all quad-lingual (luxembourgish, english, french and german) we can communicate comfortably with all our neighbours. the living standart is very high, except for the prices/rents for houses/condos/appartments: those are exorbitant. for example: a 2-room appartment within city limits start at around 1 million euros. A medium house with a garden somewhere in the countryside starts at aproximatly 1.3 millions €. the situation isn't improving since more and more people wish to live here with us. on average, the housing prices doubled in the last 15 years.

the weather is typical for central europe: in winter it can get bitter cold with snow like in Sibiria, but mostly its just freezing cold and/or wet with temperatures between -10°C and +6°C. during summer, temperatures can reach up to 40°C (like the last 4 weeks) but usually they stay somewhere between 20°C and 34°C.

hot entertainment is music/art festivals and of course the wine festivals since we are also known for some quality wines. The one BIG party each year nobody misses is our national holiday. It is on the 23rd of June where the official ceremonies takes place, but the eve is where the entire city center gets blocked off for traffic and the party starts with concerts in different places, street entertainment, food-stands, a huge *ss fireworks, torchlight-procession, etc. imagine a major soccer-team winning the world championship and their fans celebrating, but without the soccer-part 🤣 even our german, french and belgian neighbours come to celebrate with us. it is not only limited to lux-city, but each other major town does it. if the weather is top, there are up to 300.000 people in the city-center.

yup, that's me and my car here in Luxembourg. US Cars were after the war beloved vehicles overe here, until the second petrol crisis hit us hard in the late 70s. Since then, they dissappeared over time and new US-cars now are rarely seen except for Mustangs and Corvettes. If you know where to dig, you will find the oldtimers and they are still cherished for their style. Luxembourg in itself was and is always pro-USA, and the reasons for these deep political and social connections are simple: half our population migrated to the US during the 18th and early 19th century. they mostly settled around Chicago, some around Texas and few in other places. In WW2 the US helped via the British to save our Grand-Duchess and her family, and they provided all kinds of supplies to our Resistance. The main reason why this friendship exists are two persons: General Patton and Dwight Eisenhower. Patton and his boys freed Luxembourg from nazi occupation and he worked closely together with our resistance. During the german "Ardennenoffensive" which ravaged the north of Luxembourg, his troops saved most of the civilans from certain death (evacuation, medical help or distribution of victuals) despite getting hammered themselves by the germans before they could turn the tide once and for all. Patton has a lot of monuments here in Luxembourg. And Eisenhower? Thanks to him, Luxembourg still exists. At the end of WW2 the french chief of state and general "De Gaulle" tried to annex Luxembourg to France (he wanted the iron ore, the steel mills and the heavy industry in the south). He lied and alleged that we were never conquered, but freely joined the Nazis. To accomplish facts he even prepared his army to invade us, hoping that in the chaos of war nobody would notice until its too late. Eisenhower told him to piss off and left a part of his armies here with the order to annihilate the French if they tried something. There was even a short stand-off near the town Petange but the French pulled back and forgot that loony idea quickly.

This should give you a quick overview on the relations between USA and Luxembourg ^^

i don't mind discussing 🙂 discussions create friendships and the world would be damn boring if everybody just kept to himself 😉 What part of the US are you, and what is the "must-know" for it?

P.S.: its not a Grand Prix but a Grand Lemans 😉
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I'll bite. I worked 43.5 years in a large steel mill. I operated overhead cranes/charging machines. I started in 1968 in the Open Hearth melt shop then went to an Electric furnace melt shop then last 22 years in a Hot Strip Rolling Mill, where steel coils are made. I worked during the week with production then weekends repairing. Unbelievable amounts of overtime. It was a great career. I've been retired for 7 years. So busy, so little time. Going to stock car races tonight, swap meet tomorrow. Living the dream!
The one BIG party each year nobody misses is our national holiday. It is on the 23rd of June where the official ceremonies takes place, but the eve is where the entire city center gets blocked off for traffic and the party starts with concerts in different places, street entertainment, food-stands, a huge *ss fireworks, torchlight-procession, etc. imagine a major soccer-team winning the world championship and their fans celebrating, but without the soccer-part 🤣 even our german, french and belgian neighbours come to celebrate with us. it is not only limited to lux-city, but each other major town does it. if the weather is top, there are up to 300.000 people in the city-center.

Why wasn't I told you were having a National party on my birthday, that's very nice of you guys, but I didn't get the invite!

Seriously though, sounds like a great place.
Yeah....hell yeah.....

Bow chicka wow wow

i don't mind discussing 🙂 discussions create friendships and the world would be damn boring if everybody just kept to himself 😉 What part of the US are you, and what is the "must-know" for it?

P.S.: its not a Grand Prix but a Grand Lemans 😉

Thanks for the response 🙂🙂. I'm from Upstate New York. We always use the the term 'upstate' due to we don't want to be associated the cesspool referred to by most as NY - lol. Life here is generally rural as compared to the more well known New York City, but we pay taxes as if we were in the 'city' part of New York City. NYC and Long Island are about 10% of NY state, but account for more than 80% of NY's population, so tht means that we vote, but our votes are mostly irrelevant. It's qit odd at times to think about our socioeconomic situation - lol.

But, generally, we here at GBF can have something in common - cars. Here's a couple of pics of what goes on at our estate 🙂.

FWIW, you've given my first reason ever to think about visiting Europe.


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