This might help you out some. I had posted this in my build thread a good while back for someone else. Part numbers, rough costs, etc.
This is all for an Olds engine with a T-56 in a G-body.
Manufacturer: Borg Warner/ General Motors
Model: 1996 T-56
Part No.: Unknown
Dealer: N/A
Cost: $700.00 +/-
Manufacturer: McLeod
Model: SFI approved Blowproof Modular line
Part No.: 8710-15
Dealer: Summit Racing Equipment
Cost: $441.99
Note: Due to the shorter input shaft of the LT1 style T-56, this kit is necessary as it also comes with a special pilot bushing that helps support the input shaft in the crank.
Manufacturer: Oldsmobile
Part No.: Unknown
Cost: $100.00+/-
Manufacturer: Centerforce
Model: DFX, SFI approved
Part No.: 01148552
Dealer: Summit Racing Equipment
Cost: $325.95
Note: This part number is for a Chevelle however it fits an Oldsmobile just fine.
Flywheel bolts:
Manufacturer: ARP
Model: Pro Series
Part No.: 200-2802
Dealer: Summit Racing Equipment
Cost: $13.84
Pressure Plate bolts:
Manufacturer: ARP
Model: Pro Series
Part No.: 230-2202
Dealer: Summit Racing Equipment
Cost: $25.95
Hydraulic Throw-out bearing:
Manufacturer: Weir Hot Rod Products
Model: Unknown
Part No.: Unknown
Cost: $150.00 +/-
Note: This T/O bearing was bought with a Weir Hot Rod Products bellhousing "kit" however I wanted an SFI approved steel bellhousing and decided to sell the WHRP bellhousing. I kept the T/O bearing but due to the difference in bellhousings needed to make a spacer that fit between the transmission face and T/O bearing.
Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinder:
Manufacturer: General Motors
Model: N/A
Part No.: 12570277
Cost: $139.18
Note: The main body of the clutch and master cylinder are used however the braided line is discarded for an aftermarket line that doesn't have the funky quick disconnect fitting on it. An adapter fitting is available from Earl's Plumbing to join the braided stainless steel line to the GM clutch cylinder.
Clutch Pedal:
Manufacturer: John Bzdel
Model: N/A
Part No: Unknown
Dealer: John Bzdel
Cost: $150.00+/-
Note: This is a clutch pedal with geometry designed to mate properly with the above LS1 clutch master cylinder. It bolts directly onto the stock automatic pedal assembly and requires that the stock brake pedal be trimmed down for clearance. It is also required to fabricate a positive stop as well as a bracket for the neutral safety switch.
Neutral Safety Switch:
Manufacturer: General Motors
Model: N/A
Part No.: Unknown
Dealer: Autozone, Advance Auto Parts, O'reily's, etc.
Cost: $7.00 +/-
Note: This is a NSS from a 3rd generation ('82-'92) GM F-body.
Transmission Crossmember:
Manufacturer: 'Iceman'
Model: T-56 dual hump
Part No.: Unknown
Dealer: 'Iceman'
Cost: $150.00+/-
Transmission Yoke:
Manufacturer: Strange Engineering
Model: N/A
Part No.: Depends on application
Dealer: Summit Racing Equipment
Cost: $50.00+/-
Note: The T-56 takes the same transmission yoke as a TH-2004R, TH-350, etc. I didn't include a part number or model as it depends on what size U-joints your running. In my case I have the 1350 series.