I was thinking Rock Auto as well. I did find one cheaper on E-Bay, but would rather use a regular business than an E-Bay seller. It will probably be Rock Auto then, unless a free one falls in my lap from someone local (however unlikely that may be!). For $113, it's about the cheapest I have seen so long as the shipping isn't too high. However, I have never dealt with them before, so I gotta ask what everyone's opinion of them is? Good or bad experience if you have dealt with them?
I will also add that I got it running tonight using a work-around of my own design. I used the biggest EFI type fuel filter I could find that takes a regular hose and clamp, and ran that. After it is a smaller clear filter so i can see if anything is getting by, or if there is a flow issue. So far, so good. Why a big one? Well, a big one can hold more crap before it plugs up. I also cleaned out the carb and put it back together with the old parts. I will be getting a new tank in the next few months, but this buys me some time to fix the more pressing issue of the steering first. At least this way it's mobile and can get me around in an emergency when the truck needs work.