Ok some valid points. My other biggest reason is law enforcement.
Each year they come up with some new provincial regulation to ding us with that was previously a non issue or exemption. Without getting bent out of shape for what those are, technology is making info very accessible for anyone. Including law enforcement.
They have scanners for a few years now that are not getting approved in most places, but are in some, that scan your license plate and search against outstanding tickets or anything out of the ordinary. Police scan shopping mall lots, find a vehicle with issues and wait for the owner to return.
There are plenty of people demonstrating what their vehicles are capable of via pix or vid that would easily hold up in court. If i had such videos or pictures why would i share my tag info and make myself a target?
How about emissions? How many of us are running parts that are not 50 state legal or road legal? Like all holley double pumper carbs? Whats stopping someone from fining you against that?
So anyway, its probably too paranoid to think that way, but like i said, im careful. There are no secrets anymore but im not going to make finding my info any easier for anyone.