I actually like mopars. For some reason I have a problem with yours. I think once you are exposed to more buicks you will see they are far superior to everything. But I can't fault a man for having different taste. It's is widely accepted as fact that Chuck Norris played a large part in designing the Buick GS. Also the Stage 1 was desinged to produce more power than a Chuck Norris round house kick. It was the only engine of the 70's that could. It may be to late for you to ever be as awsome as me, but you can still own a totally sweet Buick. I would recomend a starter Buick, like a mid 80's regal before going to the big boy cars like the early 70's GSs and Riviera's. That way you don't sh*t your pants the first time you drive it. Plus it might not hurt to move, even Oklohoma would be a giant improvement.