Re: Young Members (15-22) Gbody photos
Well I am too technologically impaired to post pics, but I'd love to tell you about my car. I just turned 15 this month, so I fall into the 'young' catagory. I had been bugging my dad for a show/project car since I was little and he always said no, until 8 months ago. He said I could get a car if I could find one for $1000. I found an 87 regal on craigslist, located in the WORST neighborhood in Pittsburgh- point breeze. There are like, 2 shootings there a week. So my dad and I put on our bulletproof vests (lol) to go check out this car. It was beat to hell, all kinds of rust, although none on the frame, all repairable rust. Shot interior, maroon, 3.8 2 bbl. so the only things it had going for it were the solid frame and the fact that it ran. We bought it, after talking him down to $1000. We drove it home, and have been furiously working on it since. No more soft top, no more rust (except floors which I'm in the process of fixing),blacked out trim, soon to have bucket seats, t type steering wheel, engines running a lot better, restored-by-us olds rallye wheels (semi gloss black) and it is currently primer gray but will be white hopefully by June. So 8 months, $3,000, countless hours of hard work, and a lot of patience later, here it is. Too bad I can't post pics.