So as soon as it is getting serious cold, my choke is acting up. I know it's the cold motor/fast idle function, but it looks fine. When I retract the throttle and set the choke it looks like it does what it should yet the fast idle is not engaging at all. It stays at the hot idle position. So it's a 33 year old all original '80 Q-Jet w/electric choke that I pirated off my Daughter's '80 TA 301. It has been played with some but the choke is original- when's the last time you saw rivets? The secondary pull off I yanked off years ago. I wanted to fix it without removing it from the motor so tried carb cleaner on the linkage first. Nice and clean- no change. Next I drilled out the rivets and found- nothing wrong. I cleaned the coil housing and replaced the rivets with stainless steel screws. At least I can adjust the electric coil now and that does nothing either. Looks like I will be removing the carb for a good eyeballing since I cannot get at the fast idle linkage with it mounted. Rats!