FIXED!! Well, it was cold, but I yanked the carb and damned if the stupid fast idle cam itself was cockeyed! So much that the throttle finger missed it most of the time. The cam is mounted on the choke shaft that goes through the housing into the carb. It could wobble around and was not even contacting the fast idle finger thingie. I have a jar of very thin stainless washers I found at a yard sale many years ago. Two fit on the shaft perfectly between the cam and housing, , removed the sloppiness, and now the cam rides straight as it should. I also put in the seal that seals the housing from outside air on a hot air choke but is missing on an electric model. I figured anything to stabilize the shaft would help. Now the cam is lined up right and engages the throttle finger every time. What puzzles me is why it was so loose and sloppy. And this only happened when it got really cold. On some other housings the cams were pretty much as loose, but not wobbly. Sorry for the out of focus pic, but you can see the light colored finger is above the dark cam, missed completely.