Target Stores Request Legal Documents! 40 Illegals Quit!

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Master Mechanic
Aug 8, 2008
Fidalgo Island,Washington
Target requires employees to provide legal papers- 40 workers quit!

When a Target store in Walnut Creek, California requested employees to present their legal documentation in order to keep their jobs, they were surprised to receive resignations instead of proper paperwork.

The Northern California store lost approximately 40 employees overnight and in place of the employees Target was presented with a legal wrangle by La Raza Centro Legal guru, Rocio Avila who is now representing the illegal immigrants.


"I just got back from shopping at Target after reading this!

We really need to deport all illegals, and let American citizens take those jobs! The illegals work, and send most of their money to Mexico to finance transport of more illegals via mules!

American citizens with those jobs, it gets spent here! This further reduces unemployment and boosts economy as well!" Good for Target for stepping up! Maybe others will follow,and legal Americans can go back to work! :mrgreen:


Master Mechanic
Nov 12, 2008
eh, most of the people who complain about loosing jobs to illegals are the ones who want to be paid a lot, but are lazy as ****.


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
87LS/88SS said:
eh, most of the people who complain about loosing jobs to illegals are the ones who want to be paid a lot, but are lazy as ****.
that's such a load of sh*t. if you don't have a problem with illegals you're an idiot.
1. they are criminals the instant they step foot on our soil
2. they ignore many of our laws (these are just 2 common local examples)
car registration and insurance--they they hit your car, get out and run and you're screwed
housing--10 people in a 2 bedroom apt with their chickens! can you say disease?
fake drivers license and one ******* wiped out a woman and child a couple of months ago.
3. they get free health care! i don't get free health care and i pay taxes and follow the law.
4. he's right, they send their money back home, that hurts our economy
5. " " they work for peanuts taking jobs from americans--have you noticed we're in a job recession? alot of highly qualified people are looking for jobs at mcdonalds or pushing brooms etc. even if it's a 16yr old kid, it's better than an illegal.
if you'd meant legal aliens, i'd agree with you, but not illegals


Master Mechanic
Aug 8, 2008
Fidalgo Island,Washington
People attack you for bringing up illegal immigration,& call you racist as well.If they were paying attention,or had an education they would wake up & see what its doing to this country.Also,if you'd notice,I myself do not discriminate against WHERE they are illegal immigrants from! Granted,99% are from South of our borders,but if they are ILLEGAL I dont care what country they're from! If they are Canadian & white,I dont care,as long as they do what every other one is sposed to do to be here legally,obey our laws,& speak OUR language :twisted: -At this point,due to family problems,I am not working.Do I get free health care? Where is my housing subsidy? I went to DSHS in my state for assistance foer myself,and to help with the home health care I'm giving my mother in her house. Who do you think I saw in line there? Right! 95% Hispanics,some whites. What did I get? Food Stamps,& only for me.None for my mother who has Alheimers.I'm probably saving the state money caring for her at home,but at great expense to myself,monetarily,physivally & emotionally. Wheres my bailout,free health care,etc? :wtf: :evil:
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
megaladon6 said:
87LS/88SS said:
eh, most of the people who complain about loosing jobs to illegals are the ones who want to be paid a lot, but are lazy as ****.
that's such a load of sh*t. if you don't have a problem with illegals you're an idiot.
1. they are criminals the instant they step foot on our soil
2. they ignore many of our laws (these are just 2 common local examples)
car registration and insurance--they they hit your car, get out and run and you're screwed
housing--10 people in a 2 bedroom apt with their chickens! can you say disease?
fake drivers license and one ******* wiped out a woman and child a couple of months ago.
3. they get free health care! i don't get free health care and i pay taxes and follow the law.
4. he's right, they send their money back home, that hurts our economy
5. " " they work for peanuts taking jobs from americans--have you noticed we're in a job recession? alot of highly qualified people are looking for jobs at mcdonalds or pushing brooms etc. even if it's a 16yr old kid, it's better than an illegal.
if you'd meant legal aliens, i'd agree with you, but not illegals

I couldn't disagree with you more. I used to deliver pizza to illegals all the time and I never saw one chicken! The rest of it, well... I guess you're right, but no chickens. (BTW, the typical Mexican pizza order consists of a Hawaiiana pizza (Their typical pronunciation), wings hot and Coke.)


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
well, the chickens are not something i threw in there. it's disturbingly common up here. especially in brewster NY, also known as little guatemala.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
megaladon6 said:
well, the chickens are not something i threw in there. it's disturbingly common up here. especially in brewster NY, also known as little guatemala.
I was trying to be funny. But yeah, I can only imagine what happens in less urbanized areas. I quit working for the place I was in that had all the Mexicans. Most of them were nice enough people from my dealings with them. The problem I had was that you had to constantly play interpreter with them on the phone (ditto the ghetto blacks who speak a lazy form of English in which they do not clearly annunciate their syllables. For example: Barbeque becomes baaaahqu. You almost need a ghetto to English translator. This is different from the normal black accent which is easy to understand in that it is an over-exaggeration of it to the point that most educated people would have a difficult time understanding their diction.). I knew a little Spanish from high School, but it didn't help a lot. The area I am in now is actually the area I live in. I figured it was better as there is no ghetto within 10 miles of my home, and the neighborhood I live in is one of the poorest in the area. This is not to say it is blighted, but that most of the area has very nice upper middle class neighborhoods and I live in a working class one. Funny thing is, the lack of poor people means there is not much crime either. People who live here do this odd thing called "work" to get their money, instead of taking from the government, and they tend to not be criminals!

Do I have anything against the illegals? Not really. They are doing the best they can by exploiting a system that does little to enforce it's own rules. My problem is with the government that does not wish to protect it's own borders and legitimate citizens and resident aliens from low cost labor and criminal elements that stream across the border on a daily basis. There's no real reason to hate the Mexicans. Hate the government that wishes to not enforce it's own laws.


G-Body Guru
Oct 13, 2009
It's funny that people on gbodyforum are complaining about mexicans and black people considering that gbodys are typically rides for mexicans and black people. :)
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
carmangary said:
It's funny that people on gbodyforum are complaining about mexicans and black people considering that gbodys are typically rides for mexicans and black people. :)

It is honestly just an observation from dealing with the public on the phone. I have no hate towards any of them, and in fact defended the Mexicans in my post. I actually consider it rather tragic that some African Americans in these poor neighborhoods choose to speak this way. Doing so marginalizes them in society and removes many job opportunities. The same could be said of people with very visible tattoos and piercings. Most managers in businesses that will place these people in a position to deal with the general public will not hire them because of the image they would give off and how it would be viewed by the normals. Like it or not, that is the reality of how the greater part of society works. Fail to be able to speak or look in a way that is perceived as normal, and you will not have the opportunities that are afforded to those who do.

I was actually the general manager where I worked. When I was interviewing people, I had to make a judgment call as to whether or not someone would be good to put on the phone, as all of the employees needed to be able to take orders. If I did not feel that the majority of customers calling in to my store would be able to easily interact with them, they did not get hired. This did not only apply to minorities, but to whites who could not speak properly as well. There were several of them who came in and seemed to be leftover extras from the movie "Deliverance" that did not get hired either. I have long since quit that job as the pressures of it and the long hours and low pay just were not worth the hassle. However, I would do the same thing today if I was in a hiring position. Like it or not, being able to pull off the illusion of average is essential to becoming gainfully employed in this society. Race may no longer matter as much, but class perception is everything. This is not a statement of how some academic thinks the world should be, but rather of how it really is. People can b*tch and moan about it all they want, but when it comes right down to it it will not change as it has to be this way for businesses to survive and be competitive.

As for the G Body, it is an equal opportunity platform that appeals to a wide variety of automotive subcultures. This forum tends to be populated by people who are most interested in improving the performance figures of their antiquated cars, and less so in cosmetic differentiation. There are other web communities with different ideas that permeate them too. We welcome one and all here, but the lack of interest by the majority of posters in certain subcultures tends to limit the type of people who stay here long enough to become established.


Master Mechanic
Aug 8, 2008
Fidalgo Island,Washington
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
carmangary said:
It's funny that people on gbodyforum are complaining about mexicans and black people considering that gbodys are typically rides for mexicans and black people. :)

It is honestly just an observation from dealing with the public on the phone. I have no hate towards any of them, and in fact defended the Mexicans in my post. I actually consider it rather tragic that some African Americans in these poor neighborhoods choose to speak this way. Doing so marginalizes them in society and removes many job opportunities. The same could be said of people with very visible tattoos and piercings. Most managers in businesses that will place these people in a position to deal with the general public will not hire them because of the image they would give off and how it would be viewed by the normals. Like it or not, that is the reality of how the greater part of society works. Fail to be able to speak or look in a way that is perceived as normal, and you will not have the opportunities that are afforded to those who do.

I was actually the general manager where I worked. When I was interviewing people, I had to make a judgment call as to whether or not someone would be good to put on the phone, as all of the employees needed to be able to take orders. If I did not feel that the majority of customers calling in to my store would be able to easily interact with them, they did not get hired. This did not only apply to minorities, but to whites who could not speak properly as well. There were several of them who came in and seemed to be leftover extras from the movie "Deliverance" that did not get hired either. I have long since quit that job as the pressures of it and the long hours and low pay just were not worth the hassle. However, I would do the same thing today if I was in a hiring position. Like it or not, being able to pull off the illusion of average is essential to becoming gainfully employed in this society. Race may no longer matter as much, but class perception is everything. This is not a statement of how some academic thinks the world should be, but rather of how it really is. People can b*tch and moan about it all they want, but when it comes right down to it it will not change as it has to be this way for businesses to survive and be competitive.

As for the G Body, it is an equal opportunity platform that appeals to a wide variety of automotive subcultures. This forum tends to be populated by people who are most interested in improving the performance figures of their antiquated cars, and less so in cosmetic differentiation. There are other web communities with different ideas that permeate them too. We welcome one and all here, but the lack of interest by the majority of posters in certain subcultures tends to limit the type of people who stay here long enough to become established.
I agree with about 99% of what you've said.And I think its interesting that someone like carmangary spewing such generalizations of associating cars with someones race,is actually the most racist thing said so far.As I said earlierI dont much care about color,its the illegal part I strongly oppose.We legal citizens find it hard nough to pay for our own families,& I think its crap that our present government thinks we should be supporting lazy law breakers,& other peoples mortgages that they shouldnt have had in the 1st place!
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