Why do people tell me I need a family car . . .

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Master Mechanic
Apr 16, 2009
Jersey Shore
. . . just because I have a baby? lol

My wife and I have a 2008 Mustang GT as one of our main vehicles, and always get the comment "once you have a kid you'll get rid of that". Well, 4 months ago we had a baby, and still have the Mustang.

It's not so bad getting him in and out of it, the car seat is a little tight back there but it works. And, the baby loves the rumble of the exhaust (I think), it luls him to sleep every time.

Two door cars take a bashing from people now, but i grew up in only 2 door U.S. cars when me and my two sisters were young: a 72 GTO, 74 Grand Prix SJ, 77 Thunderbird, 85 Cutlass Supreme . . etc maybe that's why I'm into these G-Body's today.

Still have taken the baby for a ride in the 442 yet . . . waiting till he gets a little bigger.


Jun 16, 2008
who cares what other people think on this issue. It's your personal life and you can make whatever choices you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Now that you have a child, people will be giving you advice on all sorts of matters related to the child. Just let the unwanted stuff roll off your back.


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
My kids grew up in the back of a 68' Firebird so what's the problem? At least a G-body is more of a family car especially the wagons, which I love to death.


Comic Book Super Hero
Oct 15, 2010
Are you kidding me? Pushing the seat forward to get out of the backseat was part of the fun as a kid.


Royal Smart Person
Sep 2, 2008
Parrottsville, TN
Tell em to eff off.....do what you want. It's you who has to fool with the baby seat, not them.
I, of course, use our wagon, to haul our three kids ( with 2 baby seats) and they love it.

The 5 year old calls it the "hot rod", and our 8 year old calls it "Speed Racer".....lol


Comic Book Super Hero
Oct 15, 2010
Bonnewagon said:
My kids grew up in the back of a 68' Firebird so what's the problem? At least a G-body is more of a family car especially the wagons, which I love to death.

We had a '80 Malibu wagon when I was about 8 years old. It was great on road trips because my brother and I would lay down in the back and look at the other cars behind us.

I owned an '81 Malibu wagon at one point too. It was the ultimate fishing vehicle! Put the tailgate down, have your cooler right there, you have a place to sit, etc, etc. Maybe I'll buy another one day.


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
Ultimate fishing vehicle indeed! I even had rod holders strapped to the inside curve of the bumpers, very sneaky. That's why my Malibu wagon dissolved around me- salt water!


Royal Smart Person
Jul 15, 2008
Livonia, New York
Bonnewagon said:
My kids grew up in the back of a 68' Firebird so what's the problem? At least a G-body is more of a family car especially the wagons, which I love to death.
Hell Bonnewagon, your kids were probably conceived there as well :rofl: JK...........I would say when you have baby # 2 you would need something more user friendly for the added additions....That's why you have : Hers, Mine and "Ours". There nothing better then putting two booster seats and a baby seat in the back of my Monte when we go for a "Sunday" ride.....


G-Body Guru
Oct 13, 2009
We got a 4 door after our first kid was around 6 mos. It makes life a WHOLE LOT easier when it comes to buckling them in the seat. Back in the day you didn't have to have child seats so it was no big deal. These days its a hassle having to buckle them in every time you run into a store and having a 4 door makes it a lot easier. Nothing wrong with having a 2 door car with children but it is a lot more work that you have to put up with. But, if you don't mind it then it doesn't matter.
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