Cars Are Going On The Back Burner Another UPDATE 9/13/19

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This crap seems to get better every month. SMH
Long story short, my left leg never really felt "great" since all this started. After the doc said it was the hamstring I tried PT. The machines screwed up my neck so I had to stop.
The night of the 8/30 I wound up in the local ER with pain in my left calf. I was worried it was a clot so I went to get checked out. 10:30 PM to 3:30 AM and all they did was a sonogram. No clots but the doc said to follow up with the ortho. Later that night my calf got swollen and really sore. I called the doc on Tuesday since it was the holiday weekend and he saw me pretty quickly.
I had another MRI this past Monday. This time it was of my lower left leg. Finally got the report today and I have another appointment with the ortho Monday AM. No tear but the stuff wrong doesnt sound good. Strained muscle is the short version but theres also a 6.5 x 3.9 hematoma in there somewhere. My leg hurts like someone stuck a knife into it. This is starting to suck really bad.
I was making good progress on the 81. The interior is finished. Got a new NOS sill plate so that issues solved. I was working on the new rear plate pocket last Friday when my leg started to throb so I went inside. At least the light holes are drilled. Havent been able to touch it since. I was hoping to have it in paint by today. CRAP..
Looking online it says it can take 8-12 weeks for the strained muscle to get better. Another year of not getting it done.
Feel better!!!!

#1 Asian Massage over on Montauk Hwy should be able to fix you right up!!!!

Unless thats how you strained it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are things going with you ?

We went to CTCA this week for a second opinion. They said there is nothing they can do other than to "watch and wait." Very discouraging but I still have hope. We are meeting with my oncologist in Grand Rapids next week to see what they say. Hopefully not watch and wait for hospice.
We went to CTCA this week for a second opinion. They said there is nothing they can do other than to "watch and wait." Very discouraging but I still have hope. We are meeting with my oncologist in Grand Rapids next week to see what they say. Hopefully not watch and wait for hospice.

Im so sorry to hear they didnt have a good answer for you. Ive lost count of people that have had serious illnesses in the past 10 years.
I honestly think where I worked had a lot to do with my prostate cancer. I worked in one complex for 19 years out of the 33 that I worked there. A total of 17 guys in that single bldg had different types of cancer. Pancreatic, colon, lymphoma, thyroid. Pretty scary. There were 7 guys that had prostate cancer and 3 of us worked together in 2 adjoining rooms. Cant prove anything though.

My only advice for you is to NEVER give up hope ! You know youre in all our thoughts and prayers.
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