Recent content by Bonnewagon

  1. Bonnewagon

    How to remove pilot bearing

    That is cool as can be! EZPZ. While roaming around my friend's shop I came across an old set of blind hole pullers. It was a cheesy Fleabay set, but worked. He bought it once for a job and it got tossed into the parts/tools closet. He said take it and enjoy it, so I did. It looks like this>>>>
  2. Bonnewagon

    Funny Car Related meme's

  3. Bonnewagon

    Engine paint burning off

    I have run Pontiac engines forever. The center ports always burn the paint off. The paint that lasted the longest was some Eastwood Stainless Steel paint used as an undercoat. Even then the Pontiac blue discolored, and finally burnt after many years. If you have a head that doesn't burn the...
  4. Bonnewagon

    I just re-upped

    No, the Army would not have me again. I re-upped to GBODYFORUM. GP403 sent me an email reminding me I was expired. I wanted to do it before, but for some reason you must wait until you expire before you can upgrade again. Not a problem. This is probably the best site I have ever belonged to...
  5. Bonnewagon

    Bye bye Hot Rod

    My subscription is expired, but they sent me the new issue anyway. It had some nice cars in it. Sorry, it won't work. I'm done.
  6. Bonnewagon

    Random images

    My Uncle had a 1967 Chrysler VIP, 383, auto, black on black. What a beast. He would pass everything going through the mountains on the way to Yough Lake. Then one day a primered Tri-5 Chevy passed him like he was standing still. It went by too fast to see the exact year.
  7. Bonnewagon

    Random images

  8. Bonnewagon

    Random images

  9. Bonnewagon

    Random images

  10. Bonnewagon

    Funny Car Related meme's

  11. Bonnewagon

    Funny Car Related meme's

  12. Bonnewagon

    anyone recover reupholster sunvisors?

    I don't have any GM visors with lights. I have the Jeep visors, the new material, and I will start a new thread when I recover them and link it to this one. I just need the time to get started. Before you know it fishing season will be here.
  13. Bonnewagon

    Random images

  14. Bonnewagon

    Random images

  15. Bonnewagon

    Funny Car Related meme's

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