Where in the World is 85CB??

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Feb 22, 2009
Holyoke, MA
Has anyone else noticed the lack of posts from 85 Cutlass Brougham? I'm used to seeing 3 or 4 posts a day from him, but haven't seen anything in probably a month. Anyone know him personally? I hope it's just due to lack of internet access, and that nothing bad has happened. He seems like a cool guy, and I hope his absence is temporary.
Looked him up in the member list. Last logged on Tues. May 18th. ???????????????????????????????????
Last I heard he was still running around trying to get some projects finished up around his house so he could re-finance it.
That's probably keeping him plenty busy along with work...
Sorry everyone! I have been busy trying to finish my house and have just today started working on my AMC project again. I finally tried out my new cheap welder, and if you are thinking of buying one-don't. It welds fine, but the trigger does NOT turn off the current. So, it's always hot like a Arc welder, not trigger switched like a MIG. I found that out the hard way, and wound up with an eye full of welding arc. I can see OK, but I hope it didn't damage my retina even though it was only for a second. Did I ever mention how much I HATE to weld? I also managed to catch my good laptop on fire last night, so now I am down to just the netbook. I also have no A/C anymore in my truck ( evaporator core and compressor clutch), and it has been 95 degrees out with 90+% humidity every day. Sadly, it needs around $300-500 in parts to fix it and I simply do not have the cash to do it. So, I will just have to wait until I can buy a new car in about three months. Right now it looks like that new car will be a Yaris as it is the only small car out there with a timing chain engine, 30-35mpg in the city ( which owners actually seem to get), and a price tag I can justify ($12k or less). As for the house, this year I have had to do drywall, a new back porch roof, fix a pool crack, fix the pool plumbing, fix the pool deck concrete, paint it, replace the ceiling fans, replace the kitchen light fixture ( $20- yay IKEA!), replace the refrigerator, repair the front lawn and I am finishing fresh paint inside and out. I still have to texture the walls where I repaired them, paint and install the new shudders, replace the interior light switches and wall sockets ( going to white), replace the interior doors, replace all the door hardware, replace all the outside lights, replace a rotted fascia board and rescreen the front porch and pool. I am trying to get as much of it done as possible by August as that is the earliest I can hope to refinance the house using FHA. Anyhow... that's what's been going on. I'll post some more updates in the future, but right now I need to update my welder post. I will post pics tonight if it doesn't manage to make me blind by then.
Welcome back..Your PEEPS missa ya 😀
Good to have you back. Glad to hear everything is relatively well.
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