9/11, 23 Years Later


Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2014
Elderton, Pa

Always remember. Never forget. Honor those we lost. Teach those who were not around about it. Thank those who were & willing to put service ahead of themselves. Division means nothing when something affects all. Never underestimate. Always be ready.
I wanted to word it in a way is can stay neutral on the subject. But in all directions, everyone needs to not try to repeat history,
Trying to stick with that keeping politics out of it, to keep from repeating history you must learn from it which I really don't think we did. I get it is really tough because of the lives lost and such a tragedy for sure. But when are we really going to start questioning when so many things from that day have such little explanation
No politics necessary. It is very simple. Once bit-twice shy. Our innocence that 'it can't happen here' is gone forever. We keep up the awareness and defenses for as long as it takes. They just caught a scumo that was planning an attack. Keep that surveillance going and we can all sleep better. National defense is JOB ONE now.
I had a late class that day so I was my alarm was going off when the first plane hit. I put on Good day New York, and I watched the second plane hit, then I watched the towers fall, and saw all those poor people die. My now wife left school and came by. We went to eagle rock reservation and watched the fire burn and smoke fill the sky. We knew the world would be different after that. But I never could imagine that we’d be where we are today.
After school, my son asked me: Who were the hijackers and who ultimately 'won'?

It is complicated, and won't make sense, but most of them were Saudi Arabian citizens. When they died, they took their grievance to the grave, but it likely involved revenge and US foreign policy actions of the preceding 50-years. Then the beady-eyed president of the day ordered the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, beginning 20-year wars without declaration of war by Congress, in which there were no victors besides the companies that rebuilt what the military destroyed. Oh, and it won't make more sense when you are older, and there really isn't any more information to be had.
Yep, I lost three friends from SAR school. They were firefighters assigned to the Tower Complex.

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