Hello everyone..I'm glad I stumbled upon this site. I used to go to another olds site but it was'nt as good as this one. This site has a lot of info.
I am trying to decide if what to do with my 78 cutlass. It spent most of its life in NC but its in ohio now. The floors and trunk are fine and the rear bumper shocks are fine also...The bumper itself is going bad.
I have 5.7 vortec engine out of my 2000 express 1500 that I am rebuilding and switching to a carb setup.
Should I put it in the cutlass?
I am trying to decide if what to do with my 78 cutlass. It spent most of its life in NC but its in ohio now. The floors and trunk are fine and the rear bumper shocks are fine also...The bumper itself is going bad.
I have 5.7 vortec engine out of my 2000 express 1500 that I am rebuilding and switching to a carb setup.
Should I put it in the cutlass?