A couple of days, have gone by, without any work done on "betty" due to my wife`s demand on cleaning up the yard, and driveway, and my stepdaughters olds cutlass, just got it`s MOT.
the only flaws, were
rusty headlights
no funtional horn
no reverselight
no licenceplate light.
took 2 hours, and the car was done, went to the shop the next day, and parked it outside, bright and early.
got a call,
"Did you forget your car, here yesterday?"
"No, just fixed it and drove it back, this morning"
"Right, could you pick it up, it`s kinda in the way"
"but what about the MOT??"
"Just pick up the dang car, you got your MOT, dang`it!!"
haven`t seen my daughter since! hehe
But I got my T10, and the bellhousing together, and the HURST shifter in place. (I had to go to freepatents.com,to get the original drawings, of the dang thing, since I forgot how to put it back together after cleaning it)
I also building a testbench, for my 350, in order to break in the new cam, outside the car. easier to monitor any problems with oilpressure, heat, leakage, and other things, you don`t want the engine to do, after you have spent a lot of hours, putting it back in the car.
So tuesday, I start at my new job, after being unemployed for 2 years, looking forward to that, even though my wife doesn`t, then she can`t sleep til 10 am.
got a nice raise at the same time, going up from 135 nok to 160 nok. that`s aprox. $26,50 an hour not bad, but I`ll get more in a year or so, but it keeps food on the table, a roof over the table, and gas in the tank.