Update time!
Got some work done on the car this weekend!
Started stripping the paint on the sail panels and roof a little bit so i can start cutting, patching, and welding as i need to. Knocked down all the trim studs as well. Just need to find something i can use to get in all those small radius corners. Any help there?
Driver Side: Im thinking i can use some rust converter for that little bit of surface rust i cant get out of the pits. What do you all think?
Pass Side: Couple more holes in this one rather than the other side. May be able to cut some of it out and replace. Weld up the rest and convert the rust on the smaller pitting.
Also i ended up getting a pretty good deal i couldnt resist on a Terminator X Max DBW kit. SOOOO thats out of the way. I still am waiting on my holley parts to come in. I went ahead and ordered the Holley 4l80e crossmember as well.
Need to order a section of 3" and a turbo flange so i can get the turbo mocked up.