And this rambling post helps my search how?It's just an opinion but if I were you I would have saved $200 for motor work / machine shop $ and used the column shift/ bench seat set up since nobody wants any of that stuff and it's basically worthless. I also can't stand the console cars because there's no where to put drinks in a sensible cupholder and it's really annoying if things fall into the shifter area. You will also find yourself wanting more informative gauges in the near future, which could mount in the ashtray area, unless you block it off w console shift. Budget for the things you Need in the future, not the things you Want first, or else wind up like those of us who have unfinished cars (me - lol) I was where you were at and bought stupid things I thought I needed, but looking back I ordered my operation backwards. If I could go back the motor is where I would have spent more, the interior less. For example I bought a $250 richmond posi and never installed it, which is $250 I could have deposited on a dx block I was looking at. The posi gears came up missing eventually, whereas the dx block would have been less likely to evaporate, cumbersome to a potential thief. Now my car is still slow and no posi. If I had got the dx block instead, I would be much closer to having an honestly better car right now.
Please, limit your responses to whether you actually have something I'm looking for.