85 Cutlass Brougham said:
Everything will work fine if you remove the Cutlass computer harness. It unplugs with 2 plugs under the far passenger's side of the dash. I run my car with that removed and have lost no function other than torque converter clutch engagement. From there, you will need to know the pin outs of both the Camaro and Cutlass harnesses and make one mate with the other. The plugs may or may not be the same, and may or may not have the same pin outs. Just don't hack the Cutlass harness as you may need something off of it.
Ok so i pull cutlass engine wiring inside then remove Cutlass ECM, disconect pin from brake switch and connect it to my stand alone harnes.
Next just hide old wiring harnes under the dash 8)
Im little worry about engine oil pressure sender because my stand alone
wiring harness don't have conector to that sensor, and as far as i know that sensor is needed for fuel pump ??
I dont have also:
Fan relay Trigger
A/C recognition
Park Neutral wire
Should I add those extra wires ??
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
I would also look into replacing the Th700 R4 with a G body native TH 200 4R as it will be easier to make it work in the G body. (it uses the same driveshaft as the TH 200C) Plus, it has a better ratio spread. You will also want a better rear axle ratio, unless you have the code GU4 3.23 axle, which will be fine. If it is a GU1 2.41, it needs to go. (Codes can be found on the Service Parts ID label under the trunk lid)
I allready put engine in with TH 700RR4 And i have driveshaft from camaro. I bought 3.42 richmond gears + Truetrac LSD + Ratech Complete Ring and Pinion Installation Kits 8)
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
I will also say that you will need to figure out how to give the A/C idle speed compensator the proper signal in this install. It may need a 5 volt signal and not the 12 volt signal native to the V6 Cutlass.(Remember: most all reference and other signals given off by a modern EFI ECU are 5 volt.)
I have A/C compressor from Cutlass and from Camaro
So Cutlass ECU is giving signal to A/C ? Any ideas how to sort it out?
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
Also, I imagine the VSS will use the same signal in a G body as it does in a Camaro. What would worry me is if the Camaro harness is set up for Pass Key. If so, you may have to adapt part of the Camaro column along with the lock cylinder and key to the G body column. As both use Saginaw columns, this should be fairly academic in nature and more time consuming than anything. Do not forget to get a high pressure fuel pump too! The TBI pump runs on around 9psi, while the TPI needs something like 50psi.
I can't use vss from Cutlass because its using 2000 pulses
and speed density TPI need 4000 pulses. I have VSS that can supply 4000 pulses and can drive speedometer cable.
http://www.jagsthatrun.com/Pages/SpeedS ... gralsleeve
No need to worry about vats, egr,smog pump etc.. My friend will burn me custom chip and we tune car as well.
As for fuel pump i've got Walbro 255 lph