81X11 said:Last question, for now, is you mentioned I could remove the entire ECM harness. How hard is that to do?
Again I appreciate all the help folks!
Depends on wether you want to remove it intact or in cut into 2 peices.
To remove it intact, do this;
1) Remove front passenger side wheel.
2) Remove a total of 3 bolts from the plastic inner wheel well ( the ones that allow you to pry it away and give you access to the grommet in the firewall where the harness goes through ).
3) Pry plastic wheel well as far as you can. Wedge a small block of wood in there to keep it out of your way.
4) Remove 2 small screws for the bracket that holds the grommet secure. I think they were 7mm???
5) Pry grommet out of firewall into engine compartment and the wiring harness will come with it.
6) Plug up hole where grommet was. I personally used a spare grommet and still have wires routed out through it ( the purple 'P' wire for the lockup, and the pink/w black stripe 'E' wire for electric choke, and my 'M' pin is grounded inside the car just above where the ECM was located ).
Obviously you need everything unplugged to and from the ECM harness to remove it, so above assumes you did so. Some of the bolts can be a pain to get to.
If you want to do it the hackers way, just cut the harness somewhere and pull the 2 halfs out; one half trough the engine compartment and the other half into the interior.
Getting your A/C to work without the computer is easy too, but my car has a different A/C wiring setup than yours, so I won't comment on that other than to say it requires nothing more than perhaps splicing a wire or 2 together. Worry about that when the time comes.
With all this being said, as long as you're having no issues with your current CCC system and parts ( like the carb ), retaining it on your 403 is a pretty good idea and will cost you nothing since you already have it.