I agree with 64nailhead. Use the old shim or a new one the same thickness. Look at the pinion gear. If there is a + or - number then add or remove that to the shim thickness. It means the gear was made with a slight variation and the manufacturer wants you to know that and adjust the pinion depth accordingly. This where a pinion depth tool is used. Lacking that- use the old shim as a beginning. Mock it up without the crush sleeve. Lightly oil the pinion bearings. Set the torque at the spec for "new" bearings since that is what you are using. Then install the carrier to .000". Proceed to measure for backlash and adjust the side shims to get what is speced for "new" gears. Once that is done you can adjust for pre-load. Let me explain pre-load. The pinion gear and ring gear carrier need to be held in suspension by pre-loading the bearings. This is because when they are held tightly in the proper relationship to each other- then the drive torque from the motor can't cause them to move out of position- causing incorrect tooth engagement. So if you put it together with no pre-load, as you drive the gears would be forced out of position and get noisy or break. The crush collar is there so that as you slowly tighten the pinion nut, the collar crushes and acts like an adjustable washer. Once you reach the inch pound torque spec to turn the pinion gear, the collar is "set". Now you can take it apart and put it back together and by knowing the torque spec it can go back exactly as it should be. ( You will appreciate this when the pinion seal leaks. You can change the seal and get the pinion pre-load exactly as it was before). The carrier is similar. You install shims on either side of the carrier bearings so that the clearance is .000". That means you cannot add even .001" more shim without forcing it in. Then you adjust the backlash by adding and removing shims which move the ring gear closer or farther from the pinion gear. What you remove on one side must be added to the other side to maintain the .000". Once the backlash is correct for "new" gears- you set pre-load. On GM it is usually .008". That means you must add .004" of shim to either side. You simply remove a shim from each side and replace it with a shim .004" thicker. It will need to be gently tapped in to place. NOW you can paint the gears with a little dye and look at the contact pattern. If it looks good, take it all apart and reset the pinion with the crush sleeve. Re-check everything. If it is still whacky then adjustments can be made. I'm betting it will be fine. Again- get a factory manual, read it, and use those specs.