When you do this swap you will need a 15 tooth drive gear and a 45 tooth driven speedo gear for those 3.73's and that short of a tire. As far as cross members you can buy a G-Force cross member or modify your frame rail to slide the stocker back. The speedo cable should work still, mine was a stretch. Biggest thing is getting the T.V. cable set correctly or the shifts can be stacked and burn the trans up if there isn't enough line pressure. As far as the column shifter look at mid to late 80's G and B-bodies they came with the correct lens and gating since they had 700R4's and 2004R's. Lines can be bent to fit if needed and shaft needs to be shortened 3"s. With any trans, especially an overdrive; and even more so a non lock-up converter trans, I would definitely run an after market external trans cooler to cut down on the heat. Good luck and enjoy.