And, truthfully, it "might" hold value better that way. I say "might" because modern mods are gaining in popularity. An all original '65 442 numbers matching but red w/black [not original paint color] that I wished I could have bid on sold on BJ recently for only $28K. A heavily modified '66, 4 wheel disks, [way too] big wheels, I think coilovers, sold for $50 something K.
I just know I absolutely love the 13.4/103 it will do now with NO traction over the 15.9/87 it did stock. I expect mid 12s pretty easy when I get it to actually hook up and it should perform respectfully on the track too [for what it is]. And I will still [probably] get dusted by a Civic but at least now it will have to be HEAVILY modified . . .