I'm in the process of converting my old defunct AC heater box, to a non AC setup. I've gotten hold of a non AC box, but forgot to remove the big duct pictured below (in a picture shamelessly stolen from the web) from the car. I think I still have access to the car, but do I need the duct?
So, riddle me this: is this duct (the one at the top) different on AC and non AC-setups?
Thank you!
I'm in the process of converting my old defunct AC heater box, to a non AC setup. I've gotten hold of a non AC box, but forgot to remove the big duct pictured below (in a picture shamelessly stolen from the web) from the car. I think I still have access to the car, but do I need the duct?
So, riddle me this: is this duct (the one at the top) different on AC and non AC-setups?
Thank you!