Yeah, they are commonly called 'U-pull It" yards. Also, since you are a newbie to this world, you will need tools. There is a cheap way and an expensive way to go about this. The expensive way is to go to Sears and order everything from the Craftsman catalog. Craftsman tools used to be good, but now they trade on the name while providing many products that just aren't much good. So, my first piece of advice is to shop the flea markets, swap meets, garage sales, and Craigslist for good deals on used tools. you want name brand wrenches if you can get them. Now, for things you will use infrequently, or for bargains on most other things, try to see if Harbor Freight has a location in your area. They are far cheaper than anywhere else, and while some of their stuff is junk, it is cheap enough that it doesn't hurt that bad if you have to buy it again at a later date. Pretty much all of their stuff takes advantage of cheap labor in the developing world, and I have seen things from China, India, Thailand, Russia, Vietnam and Israel sold there. Most of it works just fine for the home hobbyist, and when you are spending less for a socket set than you would for a ratchet handle at Sears, it isn't such a bad deal. (Plus, Sears ratchet handles have plastic parts in them that fail all the time, so they really aren't any better.) I buy all of my screwdrivers at harbor Freight, as I tend to lose them more often than break them, so I pick up $10 worth every few months. Screwdrivers are kind of a commodity item anyhow. Just don't get the ultra cheap ones there as they are useless. You'll know it when you see it.