Anyone ever have issues with 10% ethanol blend gasoline?

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Jul 7, 2006
Upstate NY
Spring is here and I've been getting my fun cars tuned up and ready to go. I've never had any fuel issues with my G-body, but I also have an F-body that has developed a misfire while cruising below 2000 rpm. I spent the day today going over everything on it, and I can't find anything wrong with it. I made a few adjustments and replaced a few parts that I was suspicious of (I had the spare parts laying around) and nothing made a difference. Most of the gas stations in my area sell 10% blend ethanol gasoline, so that is what is in it. 3/4 of the tank is full of 6 month old gas with stabil, the other 1/4 is... pretty freaking old, my car sat for most of last year as I was replacing the exhaust system and didn't have much free time, so it took a while.

I've been reading about the issues people have been having with the ethanol blended fuel, mainly boaters, and they advise not to store it longer than 90 days. So I'm thinking about draining the tank, changing the fuel filter, and adding fresh fuel. I'm just wondering if anyone else here has had issues, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here with cars that don't get used much over the winter. Anyone?
I haven't had any problems in my cars or boat but I don't let gas sit for very long. Only exception is I also have an "F" body with last years gas but it runs great. You may have a dirty carb or injectors from sitting. It's easy enough to siphon out the old gas and slowly use it up in your daily driver. Then start with fresh fuel in the "F" just to know that's not it.
Got a link of that in English ? I almost got nothing from it .

Here we still have a small gas supply chain that does not add Ethanol .

If I got to any of the large chains my 90"s truck loses MPG and pings bad . I have heard same from couple owners of classic cars
I was reading stuff like this Lots or articles like this online, this one is just an example. Boat owners seem to really hate ethanol fuels.

I'm not sure if the fuel is causing the issues but it won't hurt to drain it. I have several acres to mow so burning it off is not an issue. Sta-bil has a new stabilzer specifically formulated for ethanol so I may give that a try as well. Or I could try to find a gas station that still sells straight gasoline.
The boaters are mad because fiberglass fuel tanks melt from the alcohol. Also if you store the boat without topping off the fuel tanks, you get condensation over the winter and water gathers then clogs the fuel filters in the Spring, so now they need filter/seperaters. As far as fuel systems in general, the Coast Guard mandated new alcohol resistent fuel lines many years ago, and carb kits come with alcohol resistant parts. What kind/year car is this?
MR442 said:
Got a link of that in English ? I almost got nothing from it .

Here we still have a small gas supply chain that does not add Ethanol .

If I got to any of the large chains my 90"s truck loses MPG and pings bad . I have heard same from couple owners of classic cars

Can't blame the ethanol for pinging. It has a higher octane rating than anything else you can get from the pump. Refering to e-85 or other similar mixes.
jrm81bu said:
Can't blame the ethanol for pinging. It has a higher octane rating than anything else you can get from the pump. Refering to e-85 or other similar mixes.

If better octane how come loss of MPG . But I'm not only one with the ping issues.
Alcohol has roughly 1/2 the BTU's of gasoline, hence less mpg. Alcohol racers need to increase jet sizes by double the area to run it as fuel. But it burns clean and green.
MR442 said:
jrm81bu said:
Can't blame the ethanol for pinging. It has a higher octane rating than anything else you can get from the pump. Refering to e-85 or other similar mixes.

If better octane how come loss of MPG . But I'm not only one with the ping issues.

Ethanol doesn't offer the same btu's that standard gas does. Meaning(again i'm gonna use e-85 for a reference) you have to use more of it to get the same output. So yes mpg will go down, however they have been putting 10% in all the gas for a few years now and that small of an amount shouldn't cause a noticable difference in milage. E-85 is around 105 octane so there would be no pinging issues because of ethanol. I would attribute your problems more with shitty gas than a direct result of 10% ethanol.
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