It would be pricey to do because of width issues, and different engine positioning. However, someone once posted a set of pics ( that I have never been able to find again) of a caddy 500 in the hatch of a Yugo GV using the Eldorado drivetrain out back, with a turbo Chrysler 2.2 up front! They had to flare and widen the body substantially. I think it may have been a GRM challenge entry, but I am not sure. I would think both were automatic drivetrains ( the Caddy did not come manual) as the torque converters would allow for dissimilar power delivery and compensate for different shift intervals. It was posted for me on Nissan Forums in the Off Topic section where I was a big post wh*re, and was known for my love of the quirky and odd. It may have been in one of my posts on oddball swaps like the VTEC Mini, or my desire for a VTEC Yugo swap.