Here is the issue. I took my B pillars into a shop to get them painted black, told them to remove the chrome. It was free. and ways when I glued everything together I realized that they had only painted over the existing cracked and pealing chrome. I don't want to ruin the emblems which are in the pillars because they are glued in there but I wanna get this done right.
I believe the only way is to sandblast it. Others may know an easier way perhaps. What is it made of? Usually roughing up a surface, even chrome with sandpaper will allow paint to adhere.
Scuff your trim with a red scotch pad or 320 - 400 sand paper, get yourself some etch primer, rattle can etch primer will work. Use a couple light coats of etch, make sure all the bare metal is covered. Let that flash off 15 -20 mins and then start to lay the black on, using a few light coats. Let that dry up good and reinstall on car. HTH
Scuff your trim with a red scotch pad or 320 - 400 sand paper, get yourself some etch primer, rattle can etch primer will work. Use a couple light coats of etch, make sure all the bare metal is covered. Let that flash off 15 -20 mins and then start to lay the black on, using a few light coats. Let that dry up good and reinstall on car. HTH
Scuff your trim with a red scotch pad or 320 - 400 sand paper, get yourself some etch primer, rattle can etch primer will work. Use a couple light coats of etch, make sure all the bare metal is covered. Let that flash off 15 -20 mins and then start to lay the black on, using a few light coats. Let that dry up good and reinstall on car. HTH
Those Red and white Chevy emblems are important to me don't wanna ruin them. Too late now to remove the chrome every where cause the two pieces are glued together. If I use a good tape I could tape over the emblem eh?
I think the only way to really remove chrome is to do it chemically, otherwise you have to paint it. The same with anodized aluminum trim if you want to polish it. I've tried sandblasting chrome valve covers and it was a no-go.
Scuff your trim with a red scotch pad or 320 - 400 sand paper, get yourself some etch primer, rattle can etch primer will work. Use a couple light coats of etch, make sure all the bare metal is covered. Let that flash off 15 -20 mins and then start to lay the black on, using a few light coats. Let that dry up good and reinstall on car. HTH
Use an adhesion promoter on the plastic so the paint will stick to it. Prep it the same way as described above. Yes you can use a good masking tape on the emblem. Don't use cheap tape or the color will bleed onto the red.
Agree with Sufrn6. You should be able to gently clean those panels of the old paint, with a rag lightly soaked in laquer thinner. It will probably take a few times to get them totally paint free. ! adh. promoter that I know of is Bulldog, iirc. Used it on chrome mirror housings to do a color match.
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